March 4, 2014

Justin Taylor has a useful post entitled 6 Quotes that Luther Didn’t Actually Say.  After the jump, see what they are.  (To be fair, some of them are close to what he said, as loose translations or summaries.  And what he attributes to me on

March 4, 2014

The Pew Research Center has compiled some interesting data about Democrats.  Though the “liberal” faction has been growing rapidly and is at its highest level in over 20 years, it still comprises only 34% of Democrats, with 67% describing themselves as “moderate” or “conservative” (strangely

March 4, 2014

Al Mohler gives us some useful language in thinking about the conflicts of the day:  “Erotic liberty” vs. “Religious liberty.”  And when those two clash, you know which one will prevail. (more…)

March 3, 2014

I throw out opinions on all kinds of topics, but my real area of expertise is 17th Century English literature.  To drill down to an even more specific field, as we English professors have to do, I have a specialty in George Herbert, the great

March 3, 2014

Research is showing that babies as young as six months have a moral sense.  Some ingenious experiments with toys show babies favoring “good guys” over “bad guys.”  And they really like to see “bad guys” punished.   This suggests that morality is not just learned from

March 3, 2014

Russia has invaded Ukrainian territory–the Crimea, formerly an autonomous region that has been the flashpoint for war for centuries.  The Crimea has a Russian majority and a major Russian naval base at Sevastapol–Russia’s prize warm water port–so the incursion of troops there is not surprising. 

February 28, 2014

Justin Taylor, my editor at Crossway, points out many people who use the word “hypocrisy” do not know what it actually means.  It isn’t not practicing what you preach, but not believing what you say you do.  (more…)

February 28, 2014

On George Washington’s birthday, February 22, it is the custom in the United States Senate to read aloud his Farewell Address.   This year those words must have stung those who heard it, since Washington seemed to be describing with great precision the state of

February 28, 2014

Despite its wealthy Silicon Valley population, the city of San Jose, California, is broke and is having to slash city services, from fixing potholes to running libraries.  This is because the city has to devote 25% of its revenue to pay pensions for retired city

February 27, 2014

The final gem I want to share with you from last Sunday’s sermon at our church is this quote from the early church father Theodore of Mopsuestia: “We have eyes to see what is visible, and faith to see what is invisible.” (more…)

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