February 21, 2014

You thought it was complicated using “non-sexist” pronouns, avoiding the generic “he” for “he or she” or using “they” as a non-gendered singular?  Consider the travails of a binary language in a world of 58 genders. (more…)

February 21, 2014

Violence is intensifying in the Ukraine, as a truce between pro-Western protesters and the Russian-dominated government fell apart. The protesters are getting weapons and more regions of the country are rising up. Read George Will on the relationship between nationalism, democracy, and communism and on

February 20, 2014

Tullian Tchividjian tells about discovering–along with some other evangelicals–the great Lutheran novel The Hammer of God. (more…)

February 20, 2014

Music streaming site Pandora is claiming that it can tell how their listeners will vote according to the music they like.  They plan to use this information to sell political advertising. Why would candidates buy advertising to attract voters who already are likely to vote

February 20, 2014

Democrats are facing a schism in the post-Obama era between its establishment politicians and newly-energetic leftwing progressives.  So say political reporters Dan Balz and Philip Rucker. Conservatives shouldn’t get too excited:  both factions support Hillary Clinton as their next presidential nominee. Do you think an

February 19, 2014

Last Sunday, Pastor Douthwaite riffed on the hearts of Valentine’s Day and on the sins of the “heart” that the readings from Deuteronomy 30 and Matthew 5 were exposing.  Then he explored David’s prayer in Psalm 51 that God “create” in him a clean heart,

February 19, 2014

Russian state television’s coverage of the Winter Olympics was interrupted–ironically, during the  ice dancing event in which the USA took the gold medal–by an 85-minute program claiming that the United States is involved in a vast conspiracy to take over and occupy Russia by means

February 19, 2014

At the findings that Obamacare will take over 2 million jobs out of the economy, Democrats have been saying this is a good thing:  Now, people will no longer have to work at unfulfilling jobs just to keep their health insurance.  Charles Krauthammer takes up

February 19, 2014

Pro-Russian government forces in the Ukraine have attacked pro-Democracy protesters in Kiev, but they are fighting back with Molotov cocktails and improvised weapons.  Other cities are rising up in support.  Details and a live feed from the Kiev town square, the epicenter of the violence.

February 18, 2014

In the context of a discussion of the movie The Wolf of Wall Street,  Dr. Jack Kilcrease discusses Luther’s concept of the “Orders of Creation” (in each of which we have vocations).  God established the family (the marriage of Adam & Eve) and the church

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