December 26, 2013


December 26, 2013

Along the lines of the amplituhedron, above, what would you say was the top scientific discovery or technological breakthrough of 2013?

December 26, 2013

Thrivent is the made up name for the merger of two Lutheran institutions:  The  Aid Association for Lutherans and Lutheran Brotherhood.  These were “fraternal” organizations that sold life insurance, IRAs, and other financial services exclusively to Lutherans.  (There are equivalent groups for Catholics and, I

December 25, 2013

Merry Christmas, everyone!  Consider that receiving gifts is a sign of the Gospel.  And giving gifts is a sign of Vocation. May this day be full of reminders of Jesus Christ and all of His blessings to you.

December 24, 2013

I didn’t even realize that the late John Betjeman, England’s long-time poet laureate, was a Christian, but he was, as I’m learning.  His poem “Christmas” is stunning, a warm survey of all of the decoration and shopping and nostalgia surrounding the season, building up to

December 24, 2013

We’re on the road, and Friday we were caught in the ice storm in Oklahoma City, taking shelter in a hotel in Bricktown, OKC’s very cool entertainment district.  It was 9:30 p.m. and I was just settling down for a long winter’s nap, when my

December 23, 2013

Duck Dynasty patriarch Phil Robertson was not accused of mistreating gay people, nor of interfering with their freedom to have sex as they please, nor did he say anything against gay marriage.  He said that the physiology of gay sex is “illogical” and quoted 1

December 23, 2013

When we think of freedom of speech, freedom of religion, and other civil liberties, we usually think of the way the government has violated or could potentially violate them.  The Bill of Rights limits what the government can do and thus is an important safe

December 20, 2013

Sean Morris posts on how the classic Christmas carols draw on the Nicene Creed as they confess that the baby Jesus is God incarnate.  See his examples after the jump.  What are some others? (more…)

December 20, 2013

Matthew Schmitz explains the difference between “merry Christmas” and “happy Christmas” and why the former is a more fitting greeting.  See what he says after the jump, along with what I say. (more…)

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