November 19, 2013

Who says nothing can be done about online pornography?  Google is not only applying technological solutions to blocking access to child porn, it is using the power of shame. (more…)

November 18, 2013

The Sunday before last, our Gospel reading was about the Sadducees who tried to shoot down the doctrine of eternal life by asking Jesus a hypothetical question about a woman who was widowed seven times–in the resurrection, whose wife will she be (Luke 20)?  Pastor

November 18, 2013

North Korea executed 80 people, in some cases, tying them to stakes and machine-gunning them before 10,000 spectators of all ages assembled in a sports stadium.  Among the crimes:  possessing a Bible. (more…)

November 18, 2013

The deadline for signing up for Obamacare is December 15, if you need the insurance to kick in at the beginning of the year.  That’s less than a month away.  The website still doesn’t work, and the techs that are trying to fix it say

November 18, 2013

Still-Communist China announced a series of social, economic, and political reforms.  Most notable is the change in China’s one-child policy, which has been enforced by forced abortion.  Not that China has given its people freedom.  Now if the husband and the wife can both claim

November 15, 2013

Some thoughts on the discussion about Lutherans and Calvinists that was provoked by thoughts from Peter Leithhart and D. G. Hart.  (To get up to date with the latest contributions, see also what Anthony Sacramone had to say about it, as well as Dr. Hart’s

November 15, 2013

American foreign policy is a mess, much of the world is mad at us, and our power seems to be declining.  But there is one area that America does well and the rest of the world knows it and respects us for it:  Whenever a

November 15, 2013

In a discussion of the struggling Immigration Reform Bill, George Will tells about the Compromise of 1850.  Henry Clay worked it out, but the bill that would implement it–dealing with scores of inter-related issues, such as limiting the spread of slavery, statehood for California, the

November 15, 2013

What Republicans were vilified for trying to do with the shut-down, President Obama did of his own free will.  He delayed the full implementation of Obamacare.  He said that he would postpone for one year the requirement that individual insurance plans that people currently hold

November 14, 2013

Here is another excellent review of Flannery O’Connor’s Prayer Journal, in Slate, of all places.  It’s by Marian Ryan, who begins by saying how she does not believe in God.  In addition to her thorough account of the book, with fascinating and judiciously chosen quotations,

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