August 7, 2013

Jeff Bezos, the founder and owner of, has bought the Washington Post.  That was just days after the New York Times unloaded the Boston Globe to the owner of the Boston Red Sox.  But those aren’t the only surprising media acquisitions.  Newsweek, which used

August 6, 2013

Now that we have changed marriage so that people of the same sex can marry, there are all kinds of other ways we might tinker with the institution.  Attorney Paul Rampell, writing in the Washington Post, says that we need to recognize that marriages, like

August 6, 2013

Luke Foster notes a new breed of Christian political activists.  They are social conservatives–pro-life, pro-traditional marriage, pro-religious liberty–but they are liberal economically (wanting government programs that help the poor) and they are running as Democrats. (more…)

August 6, 2013

Theodore Roosevelt was a Republican.  He was also a Progressive.  Showing that contemporary categories don’t always apply to issues of even the recent past, people today on both the left and the right don’t know quite what to make of the Rough Rider.  Some conservatives

August 5, 2013

Once again I see on the LCMS website in the “View from Here” feature an article I wrote a long time ago, I think for Lutheran Witness.  It takes up what has been called “the scandal of particularity”; that is, the claim that there is

August 5, 2013

McKay Coppins notes a change in the message of Republicans and social conservatives in particular.  No longer are they pushing for moral issues, apparently feeling that those battles have been lost.  Instead, they are fighting for religious freedom, for the liberty of religious people, at

August 5, 2013

The Hollywood Reporter has published excerpts from a new book documenting the ways that the American film industry collaborated with the Nazis in order to keep selling tickets in Germany.  From the introduction to the excerpt, linked after the jump: In devastating detail, an excerpt

August 3, 2013

The United States has closed virtually all of its embassies in the Middle East and has issued strong warnings to Americans in that region and in Northern Africa that a terrorist attack may be coming soon.  This is reportedly based not just on the usual

August 2, 2013

Rachel Held Evans tells about how churches that want to reach young people keep missing the point, trying to be cooler and hipper and more contemporary instead of attending to the far greater issues of substance.  Yes, she is calling for a measure of liberalism,

August 2, 2013

Christians struggle with depression–including the bleakest, blackest clinical depression–like everyone else.  On Emily Scrivener’s blog A New  Name—Emily has written about her own struggle with anorexia–a guest writer, Glen, posts about evangelicals’ bouts with depression.  He writes about what helps and what hinders in the

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