April 4, 2024

Reductio ad absurdum ("reduction to absurdity") is "disproof of a proposition by showing an absurdity to which it leads when carried to its logical conclusion."  This is usually a tactic used by someone arguing against an opponent. But when it comes to woke ideology, we are now seeing the critical theorists themselves pushing their beliefs so far that they are reducing themselves to  absurdity.

April 3, 2024

We all want good health.  Improving people's health is surely a worthy goal.  There is a movement to declare that health is a "right."  The problem, though, is that the right-to-health activists classify just about every leftist cause as a matter of "health."

April 2, 2024

It is still Easter, and the season will last for 50 days. Here are some Easter devotions and reflections I came across online that I had to pass along.  If you've come across other good Easter material--for example, insights you picked up from Holy Week services--tell us about it in the comments.

April 1, 2024

Church of England group wanting to deconvert African Christians; The end of the internet as we know it; and how to calculate how many people you know.

March 31, 2024

St. Leo (400-460 A.D.) said this in a Christmas sermon, but it still applies!  Have a joyous Easter!

March 29, 2024

If you went to the Good Friday Vespers service at St. Nicholas Church in Leipzig 300 years ago, the choir, led by your cantor J. S. Bach, would have performed a little number, the St. John Passion, that would have doubtless moved you greatly as a meditation on the atoning death of Jesus Christ. An account of a performance and its meaning.

March 29, 2024

This is the place to record Easter memories, Easter reflections, Easter joys, and anything else Easter.

March 28, 2024

A review of Hermann Sasse's "This Is My Body: Luther's Contention for the Real Presence in the Sacrament of the Altar." In which "one of the foremost confessional theologians of the 20th century" surveys the history of sacramental theology, gives a transcript of the Marburg Colloquy, and explores the significance of the teaching that Christ gives us His body and blood in the Lord's Supper.

March 27, 2024

An article on Artificial Intelligence and religion reports on "Godbots," featuring AI chats programmed with religious texts. Christians have Bible.Ai, Apostle Paul AI,  and a host of Jesus chatbots.  And yes, there is a Godbot in which you can chat with Martin Luther. We try it out.

March 26, 2024

Netflix has started production on a new series of "Chronicles of Narnia" movies that will reportedly include all seven of C. S. Lewis's Christian fantasy novels. The director of the first two films will be Greta Gerwig, fresh off her triumph with "Barbie." Netflix and Gerwig say the movies will be faithful to the sources, including their Christian themes.

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