November 11, 2009

Two long-time foreign policy experts, Robert Kagan and Dan Blumenthal, critique the Obama administration’s policy towards Russia and China: The Obama administration's worldview is still emerging, but its policies toward Russia and China are already revealing. Its Russia policy consists of trying to accommodate Moscow's

November 10, 2009

With reference to yesterday’s post, here is what I think it all means: (1) Even small town America, without thinking about it or meaning to, is turning away from Christianity. (2) I need to remember to bring nature into my theologizing. (The Bible says that

November 10, 2009

Some liberal Democrats would rather not have a health care bill than have one that restricts abortion. From Some Democrats to fight abortion amendment in health bill – President Obama and Senate Democrats sought on Sunday to generate momentum from the House's passage of

November 10, 2009

Rupert Murdoch is considering yanking his many news operations–which include Fox News–from being accessed by Google: Mr. Murdoch said that consumers shouldn’t have had free access to information online that they paid for in other formats. “I think we’ve been asleep,” he said. “It costs

November 10, 2009

Angela Merkel won a big victory in Germany, with her conservative coalition trouncing the socialists and other leftist parties, strengthening her hand as Chancellor. Anne Applebaum comments: Merkel's achievement is far greater than it seems. She is a soft-spoken, even-tempered and, frankly, dull pragmatist who

November 9, 2009

Sunday was one of the oddest days I have ever known. It was our grandson’s third birthday, so it all had a festive air, but it was a day of exceedingly strange happenings. We went off to church. But it turns out, our little town

November 9, 2009

Twenty years ago today, the Berlin Wall–the icon of the “Iron Curtain” that separated nations under Communist rule from the free West–was torn down by exuberant citizens from both sides. It thus is a convenient date to celebrate the fall of Communism. The totalitarian, oppressive,

November 9, 2009

Paul Hollander is a Harvard scholar on Eastern Europe and Russia and is himself a refugee from communism, having escaped from Hungary during the Soviet suppression of that country’s freedom movement. He discusses why we today still vilify the Nazis while giving the communists more

November 9, 2009

The House passed the Health Care reform bill, but with an anti-abortion amendment that would prevent the public option or insurance companies that get federal subsidies from paying for abortions. Now the bill goes to the Senate, which can also make changes, whereupon wheeling and

November 6, 2009

The latest in church growth worship styles: dog-centric services: When the Rev. Tom Eggebeen took over as interim pastor at Covenant Presbyterian Church three years ago, he looked around and knew it needed a jump start. Most of his worshippers, though devoted, were in their

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