November 9, 2009

Paul Hollander is a Harvard scholar on Eastern Europe and Russia and is himself a refugee from communism, having escaped from Hungary during the Soviet suppression of that country’s freedom movement. He discusses why we today still vilify the Nazis while giving the communists more

November 9, 2009

The House passed the Health Care reform bill, but with an anti-abortion amendment that would prevent the public option or insurance companies that get federal subsidies from paying for abortions. Now the bill goes to the Senate, which can also make changes, whereupon wheeling and

November 6, 2009

The latest in church growth worship styles: dog-centric services: When the Rev. Tom Eggebeen took over as interim pastor at Covenant Presbyterian Church three years ago, he looked around and knew it needed a jump start. Most of his worshippers, though devoted, were in their

November 6, 2009

The latest version of the Health Care reform bill in the House of Representatives would use taxpayers’ money to pay for abortions: The Pelosi health-care bill. . .authorizes the public plan to cover all elective abortions — and it will certainly do so. Can anyone

November 6, 2009

A gunman who was an army officer and a medical doctor opened fire at Ft. Hood in Texas, killing 12 and wounding 30, by last count. The killer was eventually shot to death. NBC News’ Pete Williams reported that U.S. officials identified the gunman as

November 6, 2009

The Yankees won the World Series, so that means that commenters Pete and Sam, who predicted that outcome, are also winners. (Too bad all they get for that is honor.)

November 5, 2009

I had assumed that yesterday’s post about Crucifixion, in which I talked about how God died, would attract objections. This was actually a big controversy during the Reformation, with Zwinglians in particular denying that God could be said to have died on the Cross. The

November 5, 2009 reports that conservatives are gearing up to launch primary challenges against a dozen moderate or liberal incumbent Republicans in next year’s House and Senate elections: In what could be a nightmare scenario for Republican Party officials, conservative activists are gearing up to challenge leading

November 5, 2009

Here is how to deal with a pseudo-controversy (referring to the student-selected t-shirt design for a football game, the logo drawn from the stripe on the Penn State uniform). Penn State Students Poke Fun at T-Shirt Cross 'Controversy' | Though the two-side design looks

November 4, 2009

This report reminds us that Saudi Arabia still crucifies people, though it’s not quite crucifixion as the Romans did it. From Saudi court upholds child rapist crucifixion ruling: A Saudi court of cassation upheld a ruling to behead and crucify a 22-year-old man convicted of

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