October 23, 2009

As I drive to and from work, I’ve been listening to Sittin’ On 80: 80 Aussie Truckin’ Classics by the late and very great Australian folk and country music bard Slim Dusty. It’s a 4-disc boxed set of songs about truck driving. There are, of

October 23, 2009

New authors produce sequels to famous books written by others: In bookstores this week, Arthur Dent is hitchhiking through the galaxy again. Dracula glides through the London fog once more, still in need of overwrought young women with plunging necklines and exposed veins. Winnie the

October 23, 2009

Built into the Social Security system are automatic cost of living adjustments (COLA), which increase retirement benefits according to the inflation rate. But this year the cost of living has actually gone down 4%. Nevertheless, President Obama wants to give senior citizens a check for

October 23, 2009

I never understood tattoos. For Coptic Christians in Egypt, though, a tattoo is an indelible mark of their faith and a visible testimony that they are not Muslims. From GlobalPost: Regardless the age of his human canvas [the article is describing young children lined up

October 22, 2009

Bruce Feiler points out that Moses is depicted all over the place in our nation’s capital–at the Supreme Court, the House of Representatives, the Library of Congress, the National Archives–virtually every president has invoked him, and his story has been drawn upon in America at

October 22, 2009

Democrats in the House of Representatives are reviving the public option–that is, a government-run insurance company–and calling it by the tried, true, and popular brand name Medicare. Others would go further, expanding the current Medicare to cover uninsured people, or even everyone.

October 22, 2009

Some people, including scholars, are dismissing research that shows that universities or newsrooms or people in other professions are biased in favor of leftwing ideology. But Mark Bauerlein of the Chronicle of Higher Education, no less, points out that the research that shows liberal bias

October 22, 2009

Patrick J. Reilly reports that the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission has ruled that Catholic institutions must pay for birth control in their health insurance plans, even though it violates their religion. Otherwise, they are guilty of discrimination: Last week, thanks to the Equal Employment Opportunity

October 21, 2009

The Vatican is seeking to recruit disaffected Anglicans, to the point of allowing their priests to stay married if they come over to Rome: The Vatican announced a stunning decision Tuesday to make it easier for Anglicans to convert, reaching out to those who are

October 21, 2009

Now credit card companies are going to charge you a fee for paying off your balance every month and if you don’t use your card enough: Starting next year, Bank of America will charge a small number of customers an annual fee, ranging from $29

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