March 28, 2018

Because Christ has become man and suffered to redeem man, suffering is a primary means of participating in God’s nature and being united to Him. Read more

November 20, 2017

Practice being worthy of the holy kiss of Christ, while not neglecting to learn true theology. Read more

October 29, 2017

We all want desperately to belong. Read more

October 24, 2017

I’ll bet when those who want to avoid the judgment of God make up their mental lists of Top Ten Wanted passages of the Bible that Romans 1:17-32 is Public Enemy #1, or close to it. Read more

October 16, 2017

No, when you get to heaven, you won’t be floating on clouds as a disembodied spirit for eternity, sprouting wings and playing a harp. OK, maybe the bit about playing the harp. Read more

September 14, 2017

We’ve all been told things like: “Just pull yourself up by your own bootstraps.” Now this is an intriguing physics experiment waiting to happen. Read more

September 6, 2017

True or false: “Christianity is a relationship, not a religion.” Read more

August 31, 2017

What do we mean when we say "I'm spiritual but not religious"? Read more

August 28, 2017

“spirituality” is really “Spirit-uality"! Read more

July 25, 2017

Can you handle The Truth? Read more

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