Dear conservative Christians: Dump Trump before he dumps you

Dear conservative Christians: Dump Trump before he dumps you October 1, 2020

Dear conservative Christians, You felt you needed to vote for Trump in 2016 because, Roe v. Wade. Ok. So now that you have your conservative Supreme Court, why not dump Trump?

You pretended not to mind Trump’s many egregious sins (let’s recall that he doesn’t think he’s done anything wrong), his life of porn stars and body-part-grabbing and divorces, his tax evasion and foul mouth, his scorn for POWs and the disabled, his constant stream of lies.

For the sake of the pro-life platform, you endured even his racism.

You pretended those things didn’t bother you – but deep down, for four long years, you cringed.

dump trump
“President Trump’s First 100 Days: 11” by The White House is marked with CC PDM 1.0

You wore a brave smile and said over and over, “we didn’t elect him for his personality.” But in your heart, you wished every day he wasn’t such an embarrassment.

But let’s be honest here. Donald Trump has been using you.

He knows you want one thing above all else: a Supreme Court capable of overturning Roe. He knew you’d put up with anything to get that, and you did.

He needed your vote in 2016 and he expects it in 2020.

Trump says he loves Christians and the Bible, but in reality he holds you and your holy book in utter contempt. You know that, because you cringed when he held up that Bible.

You’re know that Trump doesn’t have a favorite Bible verse or even a favorite testament, that he has never asked God for forgiveness, that he doesn’t know how to say “Second Corinthians.” You know he doesn’t take Christianity – his own or yours – seriously.

“All this I will give you…”

During the 2016 election, Trump promised, “Christianity will have power. If I’m there, you’re going to have plenty of power, you don’t need anybody else. You’re going to have somebody representing you very, very well. Remember that.”

Sounds a lot like the third temptation of Jesus (Matthew 4), “All this I will give you if you will bow down and worship me.”

Jesus’ response? “Away from me, Satan.”

Think about it: the enemy is not supporters of Black Lives Matter (read this and this), or “illegals” or socialists.

As for “baby-killing Democrats,” be aware that this is a myth, created by the GOP to keep you chained to that party. Dems are not heartless, they don’t love to kill babies. Be aware also that, according to the New York Times,

Less than 1 percent of all abortions are done after 24 weeks, and many are performed because the fetus has a fatal condition or the pregnant woman’s life or health is at severe risk.

(Also please read these abortion myth-busters.)

dump trump
“Donald Trump” by Gage Skidmore is licensed under CC BY-SA 2.0

BLM supporters and “illegals” and socialists – and even Democrats! – are people made in God’s image. All members of the LGBTQ community, all of the seven million Americans who have had COVID (and the 207,000 who have died of it), the unemployed, the homeless – everyone is a person made in God’s image and loved by God.

Also, you know we’re commanded to love our enemies, not destroy them; to care for the fatherless, not cage them and ship them back where they came from; to love our neighbors, not be hostile toward them. We’re supposed to be peacemakers, not warmongers; meek, not bloodthirsty.

Dear conservative Christians, you know on some level that what’s happening in our country grieves the heart of God. You know that Jesus would condemn Donald Trump, not ask for his help.

You were trying to do a good thing by electing him, but he is a terrible person.

It’s time to let go. It’s time to dump Trump.

Mark 8:36 What good is it for someone to gain the whole world, yet forfeit their soul?

Nothing left to give you

Face it, dear conservative Christians: Trump’s goodie bag is empty. You have your court, you have your American Embassy in Jerusalem. He has nothing left to offer.

Once you re-elect him, he won’t need you anymore. He will toss you to the curb.

So beat him to the punch.

Dump Trump.

(PS please subscribe to my newsletter)

“President Trump Visits St. John’s Episcopal Church” by The White House is marked with CC PDM 1.0

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