Should You Defend Your Faith?

Should You Defend Your Faith? August 4, 2024

Photo by Sam Rana:
Photo by Sam Rana on Pexels

At What Lengths Will You Go to Defend Your Faith?

Will you put your job on the line? Your family? Your financial stability?

Many times when we are “tested” in our faith, we fold. We give in to society. We don’t want to be the weirdo or the person who ”forces” their faith on others. Should you defend your faith?


A Modern Example of Defending Faith


Defending or not defending faith can have an even greater impact. Let’s take a look at St. Joseph Catholic Church in St. John’s, Michigan for a current, relevant example of defending faith.


St Joseph's by Feryal Alayot on Google
St Joseph’s by Feryal Alayot on Google

Like many Catholic parishes with schools, the Church came first. The parish has existed since 1857. The elementary school, St. Joseph Catholic School, began in 1924 to provide children in the area with a Catholic education rooted in the Church teachings.




The mission statement of the school is “We believe that each child is a unique gift from God and that a relationship with God should be fully integrated into the life of every student. It is our purpose at St. Joseph School to assist parents in the spiritual, social, and intellectual development of their child within the framework of Catholic teachings and moral values. We are committed to providing a strong academic environment that nurtures life-long learners and encourages all children to become productive, Christian citizens.” (


Defend Your Faith in Word and Action


It is pretty clear by their mission statement that all staff are representing the Catholic faith as they teach it to their students through formal teaching as well as by their words and actions. You could say the teachers are an extension of the Church.


Having worked in a parish with an elementary school in Michigan (not St. Joseph’s), I have personally witnessed how staff had to live out their faith publicly in order to teach it effectively.


Kids mimic language, behaviors and attitudes. As they age in elementary school, they begin challenging what they are taught in reference to what they observe. They question everything. The “Do as I say not as I do” statement does not work, even at an earlier age. It makes logical sense that you would want teachers to be of the same faith that is intertwined throughout the education process.


Michigan Law Creates Conflict


Now, “Michigan recently revised its civil rights law to include sexual orientation and gender identity, without any protection for religious organizations like St. Joseph. Michigan doesn’t deny that it could punish St. Joseph simply for following its faith. Instead, Michigan told St. Joseph it now must ask permission from the state’s Civil Rights Commission every time it wants to ask Catholic employees to follow Catholic teaching. Meanwhile, St. Joseph risks being sued in all its public activities—at the parish, the school, and its services to the community—simply for upholding Catholic teaching.” (


Basically, the State is telling a Religious Organization to stop the mission that they were founded with and have been operating with for over 150 years.


Defending Begins

Rodolfo Quirós on Pexels
Photo by Rodolfo Quirós on Pexels

Do they defend their faith and how they teach it? Yes, they do!


“On December 5, 2022, Becket filed a federal lawsuit against the Attorney General of Michigan to protect St. Joseph’s right to minister in accordance with its Catholic faith. On August 22, 2023, a district court in Michigan dismissed the case. St. Joseph appealed the decision to the Sixth Circuit Court of Appeals on September 19, 2023. The court will hear oral argument in the case on June 11, 2024.” (


The Bible instructs us to defend our faith. 1Peter 3:14-16 reads “But even if you should suffer because of righteousness, blessed are you. Do not be afraid or terrified with fear of them,


but sanctify Christ as Lord in your hearts. Always be ready to give an explanation to anyone who asks you for a reason for your hope,


but do it with gentleness and reverence, keeping your conscience clear, so that, when you are maligned, those who defame your good conduct in Christ may themselves be put to shame.” (


Uncertainty Still


The hearing has been held. As of July 18, 2024, according to CourtHouse News Service, no date has been given as to when there would be a ruling issued.


It seems (in my opinion) the government may not be clear on what religious freedoms truly are. They want the ability to investigate all of the entities that were represented at the hearing “just in case” there is discrimination while they try to fulfill their mission, which is stated clearly.


If we continue to attack religious freedoms (or allow them to be attacked), there will be no separation of church and state. Remember, the United States was founded on freedom of religion! Pray for this situation and those like it.


Should you defend your faith?


When we allow small things to pass, it is easier to allow bigger things to pass.


Taking prayer out of schools seemed small to many people. It had a big impact. It was easy to remove God, even in situations that people didn’t normally notice.


Most of us are not involved in cases like the people of St. Joseph Catholic Church and School. We do experience judgment of our faith. We do experience our religious rights being squashed or stepped on. 


Do you speak up and correct misconceptions?


Do you invite people to learn more?


Do you invite people to experience Jesus?


To be able to strongly defend your faith, you must first know who God created you to be.


Be strong in who you are and strong in your faith.


Should you defend your faith?


Would you defend your faith?


Do you defend your faith?

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