October 12, 2009

My daughter, my sweetheart, wrote this poem to me and I thought to share it with you… Enjoy. Being born is not something to share In fact it is something to bear What if you had to take care of the baby all day long? Your husband doesn’t care and is in Hong Kong Your mother sometimes doesn’t bear you anymore And she always feels sour and sore Out of how mad she is That her husband doesn’t want to... Read more

October 4, 2009

It was June when I received the first email about a Sisters Ramadan Retreat (sponsored by S.I.S.T.E.R.S).  I immediately thought back to last Ramadan when my son was four months old.  I wasn’t fasting at that time since my little nursling was 100% dependent on me for nutrition.  I remember that year being grateful for what I’d been given, but also looking forward to future years when I would have the opportunity to focus on my spiritual growth.  So this... Read more

October 1, 2009

When I entered the packed room with my husband I knew that it would be more of the same; a neatly wrapped package of sympathy and compassionate outpouring for the state of Israel. I was not disappointed—the congresswoman’s slideshow of her recent trip to Israel delivered just that. She chose her words and slides carefully, never once offending the overwhelming pro-Israeli audience – not an easy task for someone who has decided to support President Obama with his two state... Read more

September 28, 2009

It was Friday night and my ten year-old son invited one of his best friends over for his first sleepover.  Naturally, the boys were excited and I let them stay up late.  I, on the other hand, was ready to sleep at 8:30.  I was very tired from a long week of not getting enough shut-eye and it had caught up to me.  I struggled to stay awake until the boys finally settled into bed. As I was saying goodnight... Read more

September 23, 2009

I once attended a gathering where a gentle sheik was speaking. A women raised her hand and asked, ”In North America there are not many Muslims, should we move back to our home country to raise our children?” The Sheik paused for a moment and replied in a soft, kind voice, “You are not alone here, sister. Look outside; do you see the trees, plants, flowers, and all the nature? They are all souls of Allah SWT. In fact, you... Read more

September 20, 2009

Wishing you a blessed Eid… May Allah accept your prayers, fasting, charity and good deeds in the blessed month of Ramadan, and give us more opportunity to praise him. Your sisters at GrowMama Read more

September 18, 2009

We live in a consumer driven world. That means commercials on TV, on the internet, in school curriculums, through made up holidays, and especially through real ones that have lost their true meaning. Christmas now has just as much to do with Jesus as Labor Day does. Even Santa has lost his standing and has been replaced with penguins, polar bears and snowflakes so no one feels left out of the buying frenzy. Muslim parents try hard to “make up”... Read more

September 18, 2009

We decorated our apartment door with homemade lanterns, pipe cleaners and beads. For the flower, we used some cardboard, paint, glitter, and glitter glue. To make our decoration more meaningful, I added some facts about Ramadan on each petal so every time someone passes by my door they can read them and know what Ramadan is all about. To me, it’s a great way of dawah for those who are interested in Islam. I pasted the following to my flower... Read more

September 15, 2009

Enjoy these last blessed nights of Ramadan… Roll up those sleeves (or set that alarm) and take the extra mile. May Allah bless your prayers, giving, fasting recitations. Read more

September 12, 2009

GrowMama’s Ramadan Spirit Contest A True Story for Mothers Who Are Unable to Attend Taraweeh Prayers It was the first night of Ramadan; six year old Mariam was impatiently waiting for taraweeh prayer. It was not only that she loved to pray but also she was going to put on her Fulla prayer hijab set and use her Fulla rug that she got from her parents for memorizing juz’ Tabarak. It was a tradition in her house that whenever someone... Read more

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