In My Ears: The Dragon Factory by Jonathan Maberry

In My Ears: The Dragon Factory by Jonathan Maberry December 16, 2011

The Dragon FactoryThe Dragon Factory by Jonathan Maberry

Calloo callay! Just got this Audible version of the book to review via SFFaudio. I am trusting that Joe is just as great and the narrator just as perfect as in the first book, Patient Zero (my review is here).
3 hours into the book we’re finally getting down to brass tacks over what the real problem is. Though it has been mentioned, to be sure, but the explanation / info-dump is here. Patient Zero made it clear early on that it was zombies, but this one is more hint-y. For one thing, based on the title alone, I feel fairly sure we will see at least one dragon. What piques the interest is that there is more than one model of “exotic” animals in production … or so it seems.

However, early listening is satisfying in that Joe (and the DMS) are under attack by the NSA (yes, you read that right). Eluding them provides entertaining action. And some snappy dialogue.

“Detective Ledger?” he said, and held out an ID case. “NSA.”
“How do you spell that?”

And also this exchange between Joe and Grace.

“Take care of yourself, babe”
“That’s Major Babe.”
“Yes, it is,” I said.

Made me laugh. Maybe because I’m hearing it and not reading it. But I did.

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