Hey y’all. Julie graciously gave me permission (and a login!) to post my bookish thoughts here. I’m usually over at Snoring Scholar (where I talk books, faith, and family, among other miscellany).
The first week in July, I unplugged myself from the various blogs, social networks, and electronic doodads that fill my days and went with my family to a beach.
I took a pile of books, plus my loaded-up Kindle, and I was ready to roll. I had no idea if the kids would actually let me get in any reading time (they’re 7, 4, and 18 months), but as it turns out, I finished six books honestly. (I’m not really counting that I finally finished Julie’s reading of Bridge of Birds.)
Here are my short reviews of the books I read. At least one of these books is probably really worth your time. And at least one of them might not be. So I’ll try to help you determine that before you commit and dive in.
The Temperament God Gave Your Kids: Motivate, Discipline, and Love Your Children
I’m a personality geek. In my undergrad years, I did an honors project related to learning styles and personality type, with temperament thrown in on the side. I was really curious to read this book, as it’s been a while since I’ve really read up on any of this sort of thing.
It was an easy read and more than a little enjoyable. I would have liked a bit more information about my “don’t seem to fit into those buckets” children, but maybe I just need to check out the Bennetts’ other two books about temperament (this is their third).
I’ve been walking around talking about choleric and melancholic for a week now, my husband’s eyes are probably permanently rolled back into his head, and at least one of my bad parenting habits has been chalked up to temperament. Go ahead, laugh.
Should you read it? Sure, why not?
Fahrenheit 451
It is Julie’s fault I read this, and wow! How did I miss this book before? I remember, a few years ago, my younger sister reading it for an assignment. Everyone hated it, she said. I can see why. It’s a hate-able book, just like 1984 (which I somehow also missed as a teen and only read for the first time a few years ago).
But it’s also a very necessary book, a book that spoke to me. I couldn’t believe how poetic it felt, how lovely it was to read as dire as it seemed to be. If you haven’t read it, do. (And then tune in for Julie and Scott’s discussion.)
The Reed of God
By Caryll Houselander
I kept reading quotes and excerpts from this book and I decided I had to read the source material. After all, a reliable Mary-geek friend of mine told me, it’s a classic.
Well, it’s a classic for a reason. Not only is it simply lovely, but it planted seeds of thought and meditation in me that are still sprouting over a week after I finished it. I will definitely be rereading it, posting more excerpts on my blog (here’s the sample I posted a few weeks ago), and using it to grow closer to the Blessed Mother and Jesus.
The Pope and the CEO: John Paul II’s Leadership Lessons to a Young Swiss Guard
There aren’t many books that I recommend to my husband. He’s not an avid reader, for one thing, and he’s not as patient with what he’s not completely interested in, for another.
This is a book that I’m passing along to him, though.
It’s part biography, part life lessons, part spiritual reflection. The mix is just right, and I found that, though it was pitched to me as a Catholic business book, it’s just as relevant to the moms and retirees I know as it is to the executives and blue collar workers.
Christopher: A Novel
This novel was refreshing and surprising. The writing is excellent, though, and the characters are so well done I caught myself looking over my shoulder. This is straight-up great fiction. Don’t miss it!
Misty of Chincoteague
By Marguerite Henry
I was a horse-crazy kid the last time I read this book. It was even better than I remembered and I can’t wait for my seven-year-old to read it. I was so inspired after reading it that I reserved all of Henry’s other books from the library. Completely delightful writing and a little slice of the past in many ways.
What have YOU been reading?
I’m always looking for good recommendations (because my Goodreads lists aren’t NEARLY long enough…).