Free ebook: 2012 Tuscany Prize for Catholic Fiction

Free ebook: 2012 Tuscany Prize for Catholic Fiction April 3, 2013

Right now for free on Amazon you can download a selected short story collection as part of the “2012 Tuscany Prize for Catholic Fiction.”

I haven’t read them myself yet.

“… a new Catholic culture has gradually emerged in the United States, ….The establishment of the Tuscany Prize for Catholic Fiction has called forth that art, allowing readers to discern the new Catholic cultural flowering. And if this year’s prizewinning short stories are any guide, Catholic art in America is headed, once again, toward great things.”

—Joseph Bottum, author of The Christmas Plains, Essayist and Poet

The editor is Joseph O’Brien and if this is the same person who did Cover to Cover over at Catholic Radio International I have high hopes for the selected stories.

I really miss the show “Cover to Cover” as they use to have episodes three times a week where they provided audio episodes of books. They really had some quite excellent books and the production value and narration was quite excellent. You can still download some of the books they did and I came upon this archive of their mp3’s some time ago (some detective work required to figure what is what). Although “Atticus” by Rob Hansen was never completed. Which is too bad since I really loved it when I read it and really wanted to hear their audio version.

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