Why all the fuss about body parts and/or fetal tissue Planned Parenthood is allegedly selling? They aren’t human, pro-choice advocates argue, they are “fetuses.” The law states fetuses aren’t living viable beings because they can’t survive on their own apart from their incubator in most gestational stages.
Even after the fetus emerges from its incubator it is still not legally protected as a child or a person.
Former state legislator, former senator, and president, Barack Obama clarified why more than one. On March 30, 2001 he argued before the Illinois General Assembly that if a doctor is required to “have to keep alive a pre-viable child as long as possible and give them as much medical attention as is necessary to try to keep that child alive, then we’re probably crossing the line in terms of unconstitutionality.”
According to Obama it’s unconstitutional to try and keep alive a non- or pre-viable fetus. (The Hippocratic Oath doesn’t apply in this instance.)
Obama said:
“Whenever we define a pre-viable fetus as a person that is protected by the equal protection clause or the other elements in the Constitution, what we’re really saying is, in fact, that they are persons that are entitled to the kinds of protections that would be provided to a – child, a nine-month-old – child that was delivered to term. That determination then, essentially, if it was accepted by a court, would forbid abortions to take place. I mean, it – it would essentially bar abortions, because the equal protection clause does not allow somebody to kill a child, and if this is a child, then this would be an antiabortion statute.”
In 2006, Obama also asserted that abortion– the dismembering of a human life– doesn’t violate any moral principle.
Planned Parenthood isn’t wrong for using suction curettage or vacuum aspiration procedures because they are legal. Physicians, even non-physicians, have been using suction and curettage methods for many years, even on patients in their first trimester. Suctioning out the fetus doesn’t harm the incubator (the mother) and the fetus (the child) doesn’t feel itself being ripped apart because it’s not a human, abortionists argue.
The cannula (a hollow plastic tube connected to a vacuum-type pump with a flexible hose) dislodges and sucks the fetus (baby) out of the uterus into the tube—either its whole body or in pieces.
Next, a curette is used to scrape out anything left inside. This is followed by one last round of vacuum suction to really make sure no pieces like a foot or head are left inside. After all of the contents are suctioned into a jar they are examined to determine if they adequately represent the correct amount of fetal parts and tissue correlated to gestational estimates.
Gays and transgender people can participate as well, in simulated procedures offered at gay abortion “spas.” They can pay to pretend to be human incubators who choose not to allow anything to grow in their non-uteruses and undergo a simulated procedure to remove nothing from their bodies. It’s unclear if Jeb Bush’s communication’s director Tim Miller or any of his other gay activist staff members have tried it. But according to national news reports, gays are raving about it.
Don’t be angry with Planned Parenthood. One of its founding treasurers who helped launch its first national fundraising campaign in 1947 was Prescott Bush, father of former President George H.W. Bush and grandfather of former governor and president George W. Bush and former governor Jeb Bush. The Bush Dynastic legacy has long been involved with reproductive rights and family planning.
Prescott Bush was a prominent leader in the “Birth Control Society,” which after various name changes became Planned Parenthood. His son, George H.W. Bush’s nickname in Congress was “Rubbers.”
Prescott’s daughter-in-law, Barbara, has publicly supported pro-choice positions and contraception use, as does his grand daughter-in law, Laura. Even former First Lady Barbara Bush kept her miscarried fetus in a jar.
George H.W. Bush was a staunch advocate of government regulation and involvement in “family planning” beginning officially when he was first at the United Nations.
In Congress in 1968 he asserted, “We need to make family planning a household word.”
In 1991 he publicly addressed Congress referring to a “new world order,” which includes family planning on a global scale.
He most likely learned from his father who supported advocacy campaigns designed to control family size as part of the war effort. (It was only until he was tapped as Ronald Reagan’s Vice President that as a job requirement he had to publicly change his position and politically oppose abortion, contraception, and Planned Parenthood.)
To be fair, the Bushes aren’t alone. In 1946, more than 3,000 Jewish and Protestant clergymen publicly supported Planned Parenthood. In the 1950’s, men primarily interested in population control, ran Planned Parenthood. (Their efforts were a smaller version of those financed today by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation.) Even Barry Goldwater was an active supporter, and his wife was a Planned Parenthood board member in Phoenix.
This is a revised version of a column first published by Townhall.com.