PRS* IX: J.D. Vance

PRS* IX: J.D. Vance July 16, 2024

Gage Skidmore from Surprise, AZ, United States of America: J.D. Vance / Wikimedia Commons

When J.D. Vance was announced as the Vice Presidential Candidate for Trump, I was not surprised. For weeks, it looked like he was going to be Trump’s choice. He was doing all he could do to show Trump that he would follow Trump’s lead, doing whatever Trump wanted him to do (unlike Mike Pence, who, for all that he did wrong, at least certified the 2020 election results). Vance went from being a Never-Trumper to being one of Trump’s most vocal supporters, and once he did that, he has shown  himself again and again to be aligned with the MAGA revolution and the policies which the MAGAs want to put in place. He also has been consistently promoting and restating Russian (Putin’s) taking points concerning the war in Ukraine, which has been common with those in the MAGA movement, showing the dangerous connection between the MAGA movement in the United States and Putin. With all the ways the MAGA movement, and Trump himself, bows to Putin, it is hard to believe anyone could question the influence Putin has had on Trump and the MAGA movement.

Whether or not Vance is a true believer, a Machiavellian politician willing to do anything for power, or has been blackmailed and does what he is told to do as a result, he has proven himself to be a danger to the American Republic. His quick turnover from being a Never-Trumper to becoming a yes-man for Trump (and Putin) suggests he will do what he is told, which is exactly what Trump wanted after Pence stood up to him and certified the 2020 Presidential election.

Vance works closely with extreme right-wing ideologues, promoting “Christian integralism,” a Christian nationalism which hopes to undermine the current social order and the liberty it provides. It is with such an ideology he has become a convert to Catholicism, taking his Catholicism from various right-wing Catholic nationalists and integralists instead of Pope Francis. Sadly, like many high profile converts who are given accolades for their conversion before it has fully taken root, he has shown himself unwilling to adhere to and follow the fullness of Catholic teaching, especially its social doctrine. Promoting him this way suggests, in this fashion, that Catholics do not have to follow Catholic social teaching, which is the starting point for Catholics to question and undermine it. He consistently demonstrates xenophobia (especially Islamophobia), the kind which Catholic teaching denounces as unworthy of a follower of Christ; this xenophobia is also exemplified in his attacks on migrants and refugees, attacks which show him ignoring the human dignity of all, and the rights that dignity gives to all (the universal rights that the Declaration of Independence itself says transcends governmental power and authority). This denial of basic human dignity, and the rights it gives, even to non-citizens, is what has drawn Trump to him, as it is the kind of ideology Trump needs to be promoted if Trump is to execute what he wants to do in a second term as president, such as engaging a widespread  deportation program, one which will lead to chaos and destruction as millions will be deported, sent to who knows where, without a means to survive (and so  to their deaths), millions which would include American citizens (as he has said he would include “anchor babies” in his deportations). And, despite Catholic teaching on the preferential option for the poor and vulnerable, Vance, like many of the right, have no interest in helping them, but rather, placing more, not less burdens on them, as can be seen in the way he treats the homeless. This, also, should not be surprising, as the policies of the MAGA movement is geared to promote the rich elite, placing more and more burdens on everyone else.

I expect much will be made of Vance’s Catholicism in Catholic circles, but, unlike  President Biden, he will not receive much criticism, but instead, support, despite the way he can be shown to stand against basic  Catholic principles. President Biden consistently shows he is a man of faith, but also one who knows that he serves as a secular authority, that he knows there are many elements  of his faith he cannot impose upon others. Vance, on the other hand, is an integralist, and as such, thinks he can and should make such an imposition, which is why we should be more concerned with his faith, because it tells us what he is wanting to do if he has power. Similarly, we should not neglect his views on migrants, refugees, and the poor, for in and with them, he is actively engaging in actions which undermine their dignity and, for many, their right to life. If we want to talk about “eucharistic coherence,”  we must look into what it means for someone to want to receive Christ into themselves while denying the needs of Christ shown in those  Christ identified with, the poor, the needy, the vulnerable, and the oppressed.

I find Vance to be dangerous, in part, because he shows himself willing to do whatever it takes for power, but also, because of what he shows he wants to do with that power. I find him also dangerous because many will think of him as representing “authentic” Catholicism. I hope no one will be fooled. I fear, however, not only will that happen, but many in the USCCB will end up promoting such a view. I could be wrong. I hope I am. But with the way the leadership of the  USCCB seems to be aligning themselves with the Republican Party, I would not be surprised  if I am proven correct.


*Personal Reflections And Speculations


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