
Suehaila Amen is the International and Diplomatic Relations Consultant for the Union of Arab Banks, a nonprofit organization representing 360+ banking and financial institutions and associations and all central banking systems in the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) region. Her efforts transcend geographical, cultural, religious, and educational boundaries, working to build relationships and bridges of understanding with foreign governments, academic institutions, global agencies, and grassroots communities.

An active leader from metro Detroit, she faces challenges head on, overcoming obstacles, allowing her global experiences to pave the way for the advancement of the community and causes and efforts she works on. She works unremittingly on a number of community programs which enable students to foster learning, social justice and community empowerment. For more than 20 years, Amen has volunteered with various community and national organizations, law enforcement agencies, and task force initiatives, focusing on issues concerning disenfranchisement of minority youth, substance abuse, domestic violence, mentorship, and education.

She has traveled on numerous global public diplomacy missions, representing the USA, to facilitate meetings, training efforts, and to discuss strategies on community engagement, community building, counterterrorism and combating violent extremism efforts and the impact they have on immigrant and faith-based communities. Amen speaks nationally and internationally on growing up Arab and Muslim American post-9/11, community building, leadership and faith in service work and how to work collectively, as a unified voice for change.

She and her family were featured on TLC’s All-American Muslim reality show in 2011-12. Born and raised in Michigan, she is currently living in Beirut, Lebanon, where the UAB office is headquartered.