Dr. Carlos Campo

Since becoming the eighth president of Regent University in 2010, Dr. Carlos Campo has committed to bring Regent to an even higher level of Christ-first excellence in academics, spiritual vitality, global impact and servant-leadership to change the world. He is also focused on championing Regent as a premier regional asset to the Hampton Roads region of Virginia and a collaborative partner in the community. Dr. Campo joined Regent as vice president of academic affairs in 2008, following a 20-year career in academia. He has been recognized in “Who’s Who Among American Teachers” and as an “Outstanding Educator” and “Educator of the Year” by local and national organizations. The New Chesapeake Men for Progress Education Foundation has also recognized Dr. Campo for his support of their scholarships.

Dr. Campo was one of approximately 160 leaders from across the country invited to attend The Army War College’s 57th Annual National Security Seminar in Carlisle, Penn. He was also named to the Inside Business 2012 Power List, a list of individuals in the Hampton Roads, Va., region are who are rising to the top among local leaders.

Dr. Campo currently serves on educational and scholarly boards and organizations, among them the International Association of University Presidents, the National Council on Foreign Relations, the American Literature Association, the Urban League of Hampton Roads, Smart Beginnings, the Hampton Roads Chamber of Commerce, the National Alliance for Hispanic Christian Education, the American Center for Law and Justice, Virginia Beach Vision, the International Shakespeare Association and the Arthur Miller Society.

Among his community service activities are volunteering for Habitat for Humanity, Walk for Life, Community Pride Neighborhood Clean-Up and a number of relief efforts.

Dr. Campo’s media appearances and interviews have included FOX News’ Hannity (as a member of the show’s “Great, Great American Panel”); CBN News; the Hugh Hewitt Radio Show; HOPE-FM Radio (the Christian radio station with the most listeners in Africa); FOX News Latino; the Christian Science Monitor; the Virginian-Pilot; the Geraldo Rivera Radio ShowInside Higher Education; the Chronicle of Higher Education; Life Design TV in Medellin, Colombia; the Hispanic Christian Post; and Charisma magazine. He is also a blogger for the Huffington Post.

Dr. Campo and his wife, Karen, have been married more than 30 years and have three adult children.

For a more complete overview of Dr. Campo’s career and accomplishments, please link to the following document: Dr. Campo’s expanded bio


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