An Invitation to a Sacred Earth Journey to Mayan Holy Sites

An Invitation to a Sacred Earth Journey to Mayan Holy Sites November 24, 2016

Great Plaza, Tikal, El Petén, Guatemala
Great Plaza, Tikal, El Petén, Guatemala (photo courtesy of Sacred Earth Journeys)

For years I’ve been getting press releases from Sacred Earth Journeys, a company that offers tours and retreats to sacred sites around the world. I’d read through their offerings and think, “Oh, that would be perfect for me.”

And then I’d delete the email, because their trips were beyond the reach of my budget.

Sacred Earth Journeys include expert guides. (photo courtesy of Sacred Earth Journeys)

Well, this week I changed my mind, because the trip was just too tempting: Maya Temples of Transformation with Freddy Silva & Miguel Angel Vergara. From January 29-February 5, the tour will explore sacred sites of the Mayan culture in Mexico and Guatemala, including the temple-cities of Palenque and Tikal. We’ll learn about the archeology, history, and spiritual traditions of this culture, with time for personal reflection as well as touring.

Bob and I are going on the trip because of a new book project (no spoilers here–you’ll have to wait to find out what it is!). But we’re intrigued for both personal and professional reasons.

Of course I’ll be writing about this trip for the Holy Rover, but in the meantime, I have an invitation. The tour company needs a few more adventurous pilgrims to make this trip viable. And I can’t think of a better group to ask than Holy Rover readers. Just by following this blog, I know you’re likely the sort of person who would enjoy this journey.

If you’re interested, click on Maya Temples of Transformation with Freddy Silva & Miguel Angel Vergara for more information.

Bob and I hope to see you on January 29 in Mexico!

Temple of the Inscriptions at sunrise, Palenque, Chiapas, Mexico
Temple of the Inscriptions at sunrise, Palenque, Chiapas, Mexico (photo courtesy of Sacred Earth Journeys)

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