Matthew 13: Jesus the Storyteller

Matthew 13: Jesus the Storyteller January 19, 2011

Jesus loved to tell stories. In fact, except with his disciples, most of his teaching was through stories. Whether the story of the farmer scattering seed or the man who built his house on the rock, Jesus was the expert of communication utilizing the vernacular of his time.

Interestingly, the concept of story has been making a comeback in Christian circles. We see it in the rise of Christian fiction, the storytelling aspects highlighted in today’s preaching, and even the use of video clips within churches and ministries. Stories, well told and appropriately used, bring the truth of Scripture to life in a way that Roman numeral three, part B, number 2, simply cannot convey.

There is a place for story and a place for scholarship. Jesus was keenly aware of the difference between the two. His communication with the crowds through parables, highlighted in Matthew 13, provides a great example for us.

When we share our faith with others or talk about what God is doing in our lives, we can simply start with the story. From there, we connect with others at the heart level, making the relational connection that moves beyond intellect to life-change.

Let us share the story of God’s work in our lives today. Let us be aware of the story God is orchestrating each moment of our journey.


Dillon Burroughs has written, co-written, or edited over 60 books, including the upcoming devotional work Thirst No More (October 2011). He served as an associate editor for The Apologetics Study Bible for Students and is a graduate of Dallas Theological Seminary. Find out more at

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