What Is Death? [Audio]

What Is Death? [Audio] May 7, 2013

You know, the Spirit World, the realm where disembodied spirits dwell to learn and progress after this life, awaiting the Resurrection, is right here all around us. We can’t see it because spirits–individual spirit bodies in the shape of our natural bodies but without the physical bodies, temporarily, after death (our real intelligence, identity, personality, core) are more refined matter and invisible to us unless our eyes are quickened by the Holy Ghost.

An elderly woman being cared for by a younger woman at a hospital.What Is Death? What Is the Spirit World? What Happens Right After We Die?

What is the spirit world, exactly? What happens there?  What happens right after we die? Are we accompanied to the other side? Is heaven real? What is death?  What is the nature of our spirit and body, and what exactly is the soul?

For the answers to straightforward questions about death, I’ve put together this short cast.  We’ll talk more about the details of our post-mortal and pre-mortal home in other posts and casts. Please feel free to share questions and comments with me and engage with Ibelievepodcast.com through our social profiles.  I’d love to hear from you.

Please find the I Believe Podcast transcript of What Is Death here.

Scripture Verse:

“Now, there is a death which is called a temporal death; and the death of Christ shall loose the bands of this temporal death, that all shall be raised from this temporal death” (Another Testament of Jesus Christ: Book of Alma 11:42).

Faith Quote:

The nearer I approach the end, the clearer I hear around me the immortal symphonies of the worlds which invite me. It is marvelous yet simple. For half a century I have been writing my thoughts in prose, verse, history, drama, romance, tradition, satire, ode and song–I have tried all; but I feel that I have not said a thousandth part of that which is in me. When I go down to the grave I can say like many others, “I have finished my day’s work,” but I cannot say “I have finished my life’s work”; my day’s work will begin the next morning. The tomb is not a blind alley. It is an open thoroughfare. It closes in the twilight to open in the dawn. My work is only the beginning; my work is hardly above its foundation. I would gladly see it mounting forever. The thirst for the infinite proves infinity.

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