September 15, 2024

Yeshua’s Mission Mission Possible! Is the mission possible? The mission is possible if we combine the Old with the New. Yeshua’s essence, significance, and meaning are interconnected with Israel and inseparable. Christopher J.H. Wright in his book Knowing Jesus Through the Old Testament, explains the knowledge gleaned from the Old Testament and prepares us for the journey from promise to fulfillment. In the past, I had not made the distinction but rather viewed the Old Testament and the New Testament... Read more

August 31, 2024

Creationism and the Driscoll Essay are the subjects of the discussion today. While a student at Liberty University, I wrote about the Driscoll Essay. Creationism and Driscoll are revisited concerning importance and complexity. Mark Driscoll contends God may have created the earth over an extended period. Driscoll points out that the theory of the literal version of the six days of creation pertains specifically to the creation of mankind. Uncertainty abounds in terms of the age of human life. Why... Read more

August 23, 2024

The benefits of a Yeshua-centered marriage provide a greater probability of success. A couple can work towards achieving marital success through intimacy with Yeshua individually and collectively. The importance of serving Yeshua as a unit indicates the essence of having and maintaining a Yeshua-centered marriage. Yeshua-centered marriages provide the foundation for marriage and allow for a more intimate relationship. Couples should be real and honest in their relationship, embrace reality, and flee superficial thoughts, emotions, and actions.   Serving Yeshua... Read more

July 30, 2024

PAUL’S RACE FOR YESHUA Who was Paul? Paul was a disciple of Yeshua. However, he was not always. He once was a blasphemer and denier. He persecuted followers of Yeshua. Paul experienced a conversion on the road to Damascus. Paul’s life was changed forever when he became a follower of Yeshua. Paul then chose to run the race for Yeshua. Paul’s account of his conversion is found in 1 Timothy 1:12-16, where Paul opines: “And I thank the one who... Read more

July 23, 2024

Why Follow Yeshua? Through working together for the benefit of mankind, God sent His only son Yeshua to provide eternal life to all who acknowledge Yeshua as the Messiah. Similarly, Paul in Colossians 1: 18-20 speaks of Yeshua and His position, and states: “Also, He is head of the Body, the Messianic Community – he is the beginning, the firstborn from the dead so that He might hold first place in everything. For it pleased God to have his full... Read more

July 1, 2024

“Mission implies reaching those without faith in God.” – Arthur F. Glasser – Mission And Why We Are Called The Great Commission has been talked about a lot. All in all, there has been much debate on the subject and its applicability. The Great Commission establishes a call to action. As a result, we are called to mission. Mission and missions are explored in relationship to the Old Testament, the New Testament, the nature of God in mission, mission theology,... Read more

June 19, 2024

The purpose of this article is to examine the need for absolutism concerning Scripture. Due to the phenomenon of scripture as being contradictory to some people, there is a need for continual research, examination, and discussion. Historically, the inerrancy of the Bible has been met with pessimistic thoughts by some scholars, practitioners, and various segments of society. Our focus here is on the inerrancy and phenomenon of the Bible. From the Beginning The words of the Bible from the very... Read more

June 7, 2024

Reaching Israeli Jews for Yeshua has been an interest for a long time. The idea for this article first came to me when I was taking an Introduction to World Missions Class at Liberty University. We were learning about the biblical mandate to go out and reach the unreached people groups of the world. An unreached people group is generally defined by ethnic or linguistic terms. During that course, I wrote a paper on the topic, and part of that process... Read more

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