Live the richness

A rich and beautiful life requires nothing more than what you already have. Fulfillment depends solely on your decision to accept and experience it, in the moment where you are. There are some achievements that may take a lifetime to reach. Yet at any point along the way, from the very moment you begin, you can know fulfillment. Reaching any goal is a matter of commitment, discipline, intention and effort. Fulfillment itself is immediate, for it is a matter of knowing that you are living true to your highest purpose. Do not become trapped by measuring success based on what you’ve already done or failed to do. Learn to see that success is entirely a function of how you are feeling and thinking and acting right now.

Allow life’s richness to be, and it flows freely into your experience. See your pain and frustration for the resistance that they are, and suddenly they are no more. If you focus on the concerns of your ego, the resistance builds up. Imagine what will happen when you simply stop judging, criticizing, and resenting yourself and others. You open yourself to a whole new world of beautiful possibilities. Feel the resistance that you’ve created within your own life, and know that you can choose to peacefully let it go. Let it go, and come fully to life.

Your past cannot hold you back and your future cannot intimidate you, unless you allow it. This moment has every possibility of being the most fulfilling time you’ve ever known. Your life is infinitely more wonderful than any possession or event or circumstance that you can imagine. And somewhere inside, you know it.