July 10, 2018

In order to reach the meditative state, one must prepare the mind with concentration exercises. Read more

July 6, 2018

Constructive critiques are future-oriented. Here are two simple guidelines if you are asked to give feedback, a review, or a critique. Read more

July 3, 2018

The contemplative approach to faith is for intellectual adherents who often feel like they don’t belong in the realm of religion and spirituality. Read more

June 29, 2018

According to Huston Smith, followers do not want what other people think they want. His definition helped me understand those who’ve chosen that path. Read more

June 27, 2018

What do commercials from Heineken, TV 2 in Denmark, President’s Choice in Canada, and Thai Life Insurance have in common? A belief in humanity. Read more

June 23, 2018

Meditation is a great practice that has many benefits. Nevertheless, it's important to be aware of these two potential traps on the path. Read more

June 20, 2018

Even amateur observers have noticed the hardening of America in recent years. Is this a phase in history or a new reality? Read more

June 16, 2018

This column explains the fundamental elements of yoga for people who are interested in the practice as a spiritual discipline. Read more

June 14, 2018

People who care about social harmony have moved the concept from the category ‘nice but unimportant’ to the category ‘just as important as food, roads, education, and healthcare’. Read more

June 9, 2018

My father’s metaphor for death and the afterlife was quite unique. Now, fourteen years after he passed, I would like to share it with you. Read more

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