June 14, 2018

Guest post by the Rev. Megan Severns Huston The first time I met the Rev. Dr. William Barber, he was a guest at a clergy retreat I was attending. During our time with him, someone from my group posed a question that most of us were thinking but didn’t have the courage to ask. “I want to do social justice ministry, but my spouse and I are both clergy, we depend financially on the church, and we don’t think we... Read more

June 11, 2018

One minute, it’s the last week of school. There is something extra special and important happening every day, endless details and events to track, the kids are exhausted and emotionally overwrought, and you have only one thought in your head: is it summer yet?? And then the next thing you know, it’s the third week of summer break and you are wondering what you are supposed to DO with these children for the many weeks until school starts again NOT... Read more

June 6, 2018

The only thing better than going someplace new and exciting is going somewhere you’ve been before. Maybe that means I’m getting old? But more and more, I prefer vacations to known locales. A place with favorite restaurants, familiar places to stay, and maybe best of all, family stories of “that other time we were here, do you remember …?” Last week, my family took a trip to our favorite beach. I almost hate to tell you where it is because... Read more

June 5, 2018

On Saturday, Kansas Secretary of State Kris Kobach rode through a parade in Shawnee, Kansas. In a jeep, with a giant machine gun pointed at the crowd. Oh wait, my bad. It’s a REPLICA of a giant machine gun, LOL. Nobody panic. Except, just … why? Why on God’s green earth, in a time so plagued by gun violence and fraught with anxiety, would you ride through a community parade full of families and children with the appearance of heavily... Read more

June 4, 2018

It’s not about the cake. It was never about the cake. And yet, here we are. Still talking about cake. The headlines mostly read like this: “In Narrow Decision, Supreme Court Decides In Favor Of Baker Over Same-Sex Couple.” Variations, as you will. In the ongoing saga of the Very Christian Bakers vs. The Devil (otherwise known as two regular gay dudes who wanted a regular wedding cake), the SCOTUS ruled today in favor of the bakery. More specifically, the... Read more

June 1, 2018

The kids on TV inspired our kids to dream of walkouts and marches that would wake up their communities, and think of ways to engage their representatives in state and federal government on gun laws that would help reduce school shootings and other violent incidents. Read more

May 30, 2018

I’m constantly amazed at what does and does not cause my fellow Christians to have righteous anger. Some are more than willing to be outraged over an imagined loss of rights to say “Merry Christmas,” but feel no responsibility for outrage or actions around issues that should alarm people of faith. Read more

May 29, 2018

When it comes to issues of gender equality and racism, I feel the frustration and fear of doing the wrong thing. But my fear of embarrassment is far outweighed by the fears experienced by those not like me. So, the worst thing I can do is not the wrong thing; it’s nothing at all. Read more

May 23, 2018

For today’s Wednesday writing prompt, I was going to invite you to describe a summer day from your childhood. But now we’re going to crank that up a notch. Because my friend Brandon wrote this amazing thing yesterday…this wonderfully apocalyptic (in the most biblical sense of the world) piece has got all my wheels turning. Go on and read it now. We’ll wait… Ok, right?? I read it yesterday and my mind is still blown. In the spirit of this... Read more

May 22, 2018

It was a fun weekend. I had a book signing at my local Barnes and Noble. And then, Relevant Magazine ran an excerpt of my book on their website. When a large platform like Relevant gives me the occasional glimpse of what it’s like to have a wider audience for five minutes, one thing is for sure: the Very Christian White Guys of the internet are going to show up in full force to mansplain the Bible to me, and... Read more

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