September 27, 2016

I didn't think it was very funny. Read more

September 26, 2016

Debate liveblog Read more

September 23, 2016

Sexuality is mysterious. But are we making sexual identity formation more complicated and all-encompassing than it actually is? Read more

September 22, 2016

The Trump campaign, beset by an flurry of articles and commentaries suggesting the New York billionaire is struggling with white Catholics, announced an advisory group of well-known Catholic Republicans. Faith Whittlesey, an executive branch political appointee from the Reagan years, laid out the argument: “The choice for Catholics in this presidential election could not be more stark,” Whittlesey said in a statement. “Clinton support a breathtakingly radical cultural agenda and judicial nominees which leave no room for the legal protection... Read more

September 20, 2016

No. But these people aren't convinced… Read more

September 19, 2016

But they're not as strongly pro-choice as you probably think. Read more

September 14, 2016

Let's face it: Trump's top evangelical supporters have beclowned themselves. Read more

September 12, 2016

Blessed are the poor? Sad! Read more

September 10, 2016

These are pretty funny. Read more

September 8, 2016

Clinton's success depends in part on winning back white Catholics who have drifted to the GOP. Trump seems determined to help her. Read more

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