What’s so “final” about your “final resting place”?

What’s so “final” about your “final resting place”? March 2, 2017


This is a little bit of an invitation for readers, as I’ve been thinking about the idea that a cemetery should be preserved forever, the bodies buried there undisturbed.

This is not the case in Germany, where cemetery plots are leased and re-used — and I have in mind a fuller blog post on this.  But here in the U.S., we’ve got two alternatives:  either a “forever” cemetery plot (which means a higher cost or further drive for city-dwellers) or cremation.

Many years ago, in high school, I remember my English teacher telling us to choose an interesting topic for our upcoming persuasive speech, and she gave the example of someone who talked about the upcoming problem of full cemeteries.

Readers, while this is still sitting in draft form, what are your thoughts?  Is it important to you that the bodies of your loved ones (or your own body, someday) stay undisturbed as far out into the future as you can imagine?  Any bits of trivia about other customs welcome as well.

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