Prophetic: So that the Church can Come to Restoration

Prophetic: So that the Church can Come to Restoration April 18, 2019

We’ve been looking for the gifts of Jesus Christ to be restored, but the whole purpose of their restoration is so that the church can come to restoration.  It’s not the movement of the prophet that’s next.  It’s not the apostle that’s next.  It’s the church.  It’s the saints’ movement. – Pastor Daniel H. Wermuth II

This is not my weekly podcast.  This is a vlog that we’re doing, because I’m chasing a few themes with prophecy.[1]

There’s a theory of prophecy that’s called mountain peak prophecy.  The prophet would stand on the mountain peak and he would see points in the distance, but wouldn’t necessarily know everything that was in between.

So that the Church can Come to Restoration

For instance, when Malachi saw that Elijah would come back, we know that John the Baptist partially fulfilled that (Malachi 4.5-6Matthew 17.10-13).  But do we really know if John the Baptist turned all the hearts of the fathers to the children, and all the hearts of the children to the fathers?

When Jesus preached His first sermon, why did He choose to preach about the Messiah as Isaiah prophesied, but not preach the whole message to fulfill everything Isaiah said the Messiah would do (Isaiah 61; Luke 4.16-21)?  The passage isn’t completed, so there’s more yet to come when Christ comes back.

When we look at prophecy it’s important to note that there are times the Lord will speak to a situation in our lives.  However, it will also speak to our future, and a future beyond that, and a future beyond that.

What I’m going to share with you is a prophecy by Pastor Dan Wermuth of Joplin Family Worship Center.[2]  It was spoken over Crystal and I in a service before my Ordination service.  It has also spoken to us multiple times throughout our ministry.  So I hope you enjoy this.  It’s a longer video, but it should be one that will keep your interest.

God Bless,

Rev. Jared V. Ingle


[1] Videographer: Mateo Ingle [2] as previously published, Pastor Daniel H. Wermuth II, Joplin Family Worship Center: Wednesday Night Service, Joplin, MO.

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