on the Advent of Joy

on the Advent of Joy December 13, 2020

Take a little time and focus on the Advent of Joy. Instead of sharing the whole set of sermon notes this week, I will share some thoughts from the closing of this video. As a church, we are facing challenging times, but the joy of the Lord carries us through. We certainly witness the joy of the Lord in the story of Elizabeth. Let’s try to compare her story to ours right now.

on the Advent of Joy

Think about our church and how God can renew us with joy and vision and ministry and mission.

Sometimes we feel like like the way we do things is old. Sometimes we wonder, “How could it be that God would bring back to us the vigor of youth?” And yet, God will.

I have sat with Christian leaders many times across our nation who have considered this very question. What do we with do with a congregation that has already shown a commitment over time, and has proven their mettle?

I’ve believe this, and I’ve seen it happen many times. The youth of a church can be renewed without the church losing her personality.

New ministry can be launched.

New vision can be seen.

The church can turn and put its shoulder to the plow again.

The church can run and not grow weary so to speak, walk and not faint. She can mount up with wings as eagles.

There are many things that happen in a congregation when the joy of the Lord starts getting in there and infecting us with His goodness.

Meet Jared

If you want to see more from this series, please visit:

Patheos | Shepherding category | https://bit.ly/2V0NkM6

God be with you this Holiday Season,
Pastor Jared & Crystal

Long Lake Friends Church

JVI | lonely wreath in lockdown | 12.10.20

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