Political Banter | Jim Jordan No-Vote
I take tonight’s post from some of my political banter with others on X today. Find me there @JaredIngle2022
Well, today was disappointing.
- 212 votes for Jeffries
- 200 votes for Jordan
- 20 votes for other people
- 217 votes needed to carry the election
- no Speaker of the House yet
Everyone take a recess like you actually accomplished something and reconvene to vote later.
I’m obviously writing from the Republican camp.
If not Jim Jordan, who would you propose because all the Dems need is 5 more votes? Why can’t we rally behind Jordan? Did I miss something?
There is the belief that Jordan would have carried some Democrat votes if he would have said President Biden won fair and square in 2020. So a political trade off that has nothing to do with him, before he even has the opportunity to be considered on his own merit, will gain him favor with Dems. How upside down is that?
Some believe that Jordan is highly disliked, so he didn’t get the vote today. I guess I’m not following politics close enough. If Jordan is disliked by so many how did he just carry 200 votes?
Sarah Reeves
Get Back Your Fight
It is said some of the 20 other votes are from people who are simply committed to mayhem. If that’s the case, will there be another viable candidate to get the 20 votes? Will they rally behind anyone or just continue to cause a no vote? Who did your Representative vote for?
Will any other Republican carry as many votes as Jordan? Well, the Dems got dangerously close to electing Hakeem Jeffries. Certainly Jordan would be a better choice for Republicans. I hear the protests against Jordan loud and clear. He obviously isn’t the best Republican, but is he not better than Jeffries?
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