Anthony Sanchez Letter to Governor Kevin Stitt

Anthony Sanchez Letter to Governor Kevin Stitt September 11, 2023

Dear Honorable Kevin Stitt,


My name is Anthony Sanchez.  I am asking you for some help to prove my innocence.  I am scheduled to be executed September 21, 2023.


In 2006 I was convicted of the murder of Julie Busken and I am 100% innocent.  I did not murder Julie Busken.  I am writing you because you have the authority and ability to help me.  Please help me by granting me a 60 day reprieve.  So that my new lawyers can have time to go over my case.  Thank you for your time.


Respectfully Submitted,


Anthony C. Sanchez



PO Box 97

McAlester, Ok 74502



Governor Stitt.


I am walking dozens and dozens of miles to deliver this simple letter to you…not because of its’ simplicity but rather because of its’ profundity.  We have new evidence coming in daily.  We have new layers that are just now getting familiar with the case.  We are asking for a 60 day reprieve because we believe that such a simple act could avert a profound evil…the execution of an innocent man.


The Rev. Dr. Jeff Hood


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