“There Will Be No Life in Killing Me” : The Casey McWhorter Tapes (6): Scheduled for Execution on November 16, 2023 in Alabama

“There Will Be No Life in Killing Me” : The Casey McWhorter Tapes (6): Scheduled for Execution on November 16, 2023 in Alabama October 24, 2023


“There Will Be No Life in Killing Me” : The Casey McWhorter Tapes (6): Scheduled for Execution on November 16, 2023 in Alabama




Destruction?  Honestly, I’ve been the most successful at destroying myself.  There were so many things I could’ve been.  I was talented.  I had a good personality.  There were so many paths.  So much potential.  So much.  I pissed every bit of it away.  I repeatedly chose destruction.


Sometimes I think that the only thing that I’m good at producing is tears.  Take my mother for instance, I’ve caused her so much grief.  She raised me better than this…but I kept choosing destruction.  My stupidity has literally destroyed a great deal of her life.  I’ve pummeled her heart over and over.


The only thing I knew about Edward Lee Williams is what his son told me.  If even half of that was true, he was a horrible person.  That doesn’t give me the right to do what I did…but I guess I thought that bringing a little destruction might help his son.  There was a bunch of money that we thought could help us start anew.  I thought I might be creating freedom.  I was actually destroying it.  It was all very stupid.  This is why we shouldn’t have this kind of power…the power to destroy.  We just don’t know…can’t know…the consequences.


My execution is going to create a whole new round of destruction.  By destroying me, all of those connected to the horror will be destroyed as well.  We can’t continue on like this.  My executioners need to realize that there will be no life in killing me.  I know destruction.  There is no life there.

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