apoem : The Judas Remix

apoem : The Judas Remix July 9, 2013


you called me to be your disciple

you asked me to watch all the money we took in

the other disciples were always jealous

because I was your man


we walked over country after country

to tell the people of god’s great love

i was there for all the miracles

and saw things others can only dream of


i saw you transcend racial boundaries

that I thought would never fall

i saw you give dignity to the oppressed

and in turn you gave dignity to us all


the eyes of the blind were opened

and they saw justice too

the legs of the lame were healed

along with the hearts of a few


i saw the man come out of the tomb

and i was amazed but not you

you just walked on in and hugged him

to express your love


the temple was stormed

and justice was served

this was an unimaginable feat

that love was something more magical than the rules we had to always repeat


when the waters got rough

we were terrified

there in the distance you appeared

i saw you first out of the corner of my eye


the thousands gathered hungry without any money

i felt threatened and thought i would fend them off with just my small weapon

but not you as you knew what to do

you opened your magical hands and fed five thousand with a fish or two


i saw the women come in to cook and to bless

then one poured perfume in her hair which became one expensive mess

i got in trouble for getting a little mad

but later you pulled me aside and lovingly told me not to be sad


when the palms started waving i knew it was approaching time

for the great incarnation of love to finally die

just after the march you pulled me aside and told me to come with you

i came with understanding sigh


you told me what to do as the great lover of my soul

and i knew of my reputation the others would take hold

from the moment i came in i knew that this was the plan

i was to be the one to place you right into their hands


darkness has fallen and the time is right

there is no place for me to flee my plight

if i do not become a villain then the world is not saved

i love you Jesus was the last thing I said


i took the pieces and did the deed

i brought a legion of soldiers along with me

i kissed the man that i loved so much

and allowed my mind to remember that it was my heart he clutched


they took you away and tortured you

i just couldn’t take it anymore

although i knew this was what my life was for

you must remember it is very hard to kick someone you love through death’s door


now, here i stand

right at this tree

a rope in my hand

so i can finally be free


i know everyone thinks what i did was betrayal

but I leave you with Jesus’ last words to me

without you the prophecy fails


so tonight as the rope around my neck grows tight

i hope that someone somewhere will at least get my story right


i loved a man and he loved me back

and together we saved a world that was under attack

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