
Dropped October 13, 2021

Varun Gaba/ Unsplash





Something dropped from the sky. Something dropped right next to me. Something…


The day was clear…clearer than I’d seen in a long time. I wasn’t expecting any visitors…but visitors often unexpectedly find me. This one just dropped in. I guess I would call it rude…but then again beauty often is.


To describe it would be an injustice. It was an experience…that’s all I really know.


From somewhere else…entirely somewhere else…I felt something coming out of me. It wasn’t something that you could hear…touch…smell…or even speak to. In fact, it wasn’t something at all…it was everything.


Ecstasy filled the depths of my depths. I was no longer alone. Furthermore…I knew that I never would be again. Life was different now…or maybe this was no longer life…perhaps it was life beyond life. I knew that I had to stop talking or I would miss it. The world exploded. This something and I stood there alone. I never wanted to part. We haven’t.


Forsaking all somethings…I’ve remained in you…nothing…






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