God in Despair: Reflection in Comanche, Texas

God in Despair: Reflection in Comanche, Texas September 4, 2016

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credit: JH

*Delivered at Hope Lutheran Church

Listen. We keep hearing of pain and rumors of pain.


Think. Our society is often drowning. Our personal lives are sick. We need something more than what we can grasp to survive. Yet, we still reach.


Feel. Most people reach for connection. We assume that our identity will save us. We keep naming what we are. The problem is that the names are always partial. The identities are never complete.


Know. We are a blurred people. We have never been connected by our names or identities. We are connected by something much darker.


Search. We are a people united in despair. We find ourselves afraid. We find ourselves controlled by fear. We want safety. There is no safety. There is only God.


Ponder. The God who is with us. The God who experiences our pain. The God who is moving from despair to despair. The God who is searching for hope.


Find. Be. The God who is.



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