It’s ISRAEL that is actually ANTI-CHRIST: A Plea for Righteous Christian Theology

It’s ISRAEL that is actually ANTI-CHRIST: A Plea for Righteous Christian Theology October 18, 2023




It’s ISRAEL that is actually ANTI-CHRIST: A Plea for Righteous Christian Theology


Before you write something as incendiary as this piece, it is wise to first and foremost dispel with the myth that the modern Nation of Israel and the Jewish people are the same thing.  They are not.  One is a political state presently determined to commit genocide in Gaza/Palestine.  The other is a religion and ethnicity that is full of beautiful and kind people determined to make peace in the world…many of whom I call some of my dearest friends.  Now that such a distinction has been established, it is important to move forward with the definition of Anti-Christ.


Throughout the New Testament, whatever is contrary to the teachings of Jesus becomes embodied in that which is Anti-Christ.  I cannot imagine an action more opposed to the teachings of Jesus than genocide.  Let there be no doubt that Jesus wept as helpless young people were slaughtered, old people were executed and babies were snuffed out along the Israeli borders with Gaza by the terrorist group, Hamas.  Such actions are obviously Anti-Christ.  They do not reflect the teachings of Jesus.  Where was Jesus in such a moment?  Jesus was there, is there and will forever be there with the hurting.  But such an attack…no matter how awful…does not give Israel permission to commit genocide.


To say that I have been troubled by the relentless bombing of Gaza by the Israeli government would be an understatement.  How could you not be?  Countless people are being blown to bits.  So much so, that blood and guts are smeared on every street.  Instead of exercising restraint, Israel is bombing as much of the infrastructures of these communities as they possibly can.  Leaving no water, no food, no medical care and no hope.  The intentional destruction of a particular ethnic group of people is genocide.  The nation of Israel is rarely bombing military targets…they are mostly bombing hospitals, schools and homes.  The least of these (those whom Christ said he favors the most) are getting slaughtered day in and day out.  What could be more Anti-Christ?


This past weekend I spoke at the Free Palestine march and rally here in Little Rock.  I was the only Christian invited to speak.  I wanted to share a few words of what I said,


Christians in these Southern United States spend a great deal of their time talking about apocalyptic messages related to Zionism.  Earlier my son asked me where Zionism comes from?  I want to make my answer perfectly clear for all of you to hear…Zionism comes from the devil.  It is evil.  It comes from the devil just like colonialism comes from the devil…just like racism comes from the devil.  When you take people’s land…when you commit genocide…that is evil.  It doesn’t take a Christian to tell you that.  It doesn’t take a Jew to tell you that.  It doesn’t take a Muslim to tell you that.  All you have to do is be human to know that murderous oppression and destruction is always evil.


Zionism is of course the idea surrounding the establishment and maintenance of a homeland for Jewish people in Palestine.  Such an idea would be all well and good if it didn’t involve the wholesale colonial displacement and racist genocide of another population, the Palestinians.   Such actions are always going to be contrary to the message of Jesus.  You see, the modern Nation of Israel has always been Anti-Christ.  Indeed, it’s very existence is dependent on the oppression of another group of people…those whom Christ called and now embodies…the least of these.


Evangelicals love to talk about who or what is the Anti-Christ.  Growing up in the Left Behind era, I’ve heard countless lectures on the very subject.  But having just watched a video of the aftermath of a murderous bombing in Gaza of a major hospital, I can assure you that Israel is as good a candidate as any.  The mounting piles and piles of bodies provide all the proof you need of the historical and contemporary evils of the modern nation of Israel…a clear and present Anti-Christ.


This moment doesn’t have to be the end of the world for so many.  We can reject bullshit theology and firmly stand with Jesus…who right now is being bombed in Gaza.  Jewish people are not the enemy.  Jesus was of course Jewish.  The enemy is the modern Nation of Israel that is determined to exterminate the Palestinians.

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