Remarks Upon Ending My Fast For Peace in Syria

Remarks Upon Ending My Fast For Peace in Syria September 1, 2013


This very hour marks the third day I have gone without food to pray for true peace in Syria.  While most fasts are silent, I have chosen for this fast to not be so in order to draw attention to the devastating consequences of further military intervention in Syria.  President Obama has said that there is a need to bomb Syria in order to teach President Bashar al-Assad a lesson.  This way of thinking is an age-old fallacy that is similar to the belief that hitting a child is going to teach them not to hit.  You cannot make peace with bombs.  Do we have the courage to end the ravenous cycle of violence?  We break bread and drink wine today with the prayer that love will reign…and that on this earth no more bodies will be broken and no more blood will be spilled.  We pray with all that we are that all we be awoken to the peaceful possibilities of love.  Amen.

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