“The Demonic Mailers”: The Weight of Benjamin Cole’s Stuff: Part 2 of 4
Truth be told, I didn’t know Benjamin Cole all that well. I’m not sure that anybody did. Most of the time, he wasn’t really there. Cole lived in a world of his own delusions. Of course, in such a world he was an oracle. If you wanted to have any interaction with Cole, you had no choice but to enter where he lived. I did. I was there for the last few weeks of his life. In the end, one of Cole’s final acts was to leave me his stuff. Then, he was executed on October 22, 2022.
I wasn’t able to pick up Benjamin Cole’s stuff until a few weeks later. When I finally got in a space where I could open the boxes, I was shocked. There were no less than thousands of pieces of evangelistic mail.
You see, as Cole slowly departed…the “ministries” listed below just kept mailing him all of their bullshit. To be honest, I didn’t list all of them below. I couldn’t. There isn’t enough space. Each would claim to care about folk like Cole…they are liars. The “ministries” listed below simply used his corpse to assure their donors that they were saving more and more people every day. I can just hear them, “…even on death row in Oklahoma!” These “ministries” are headed by charlatans who know not the love or compassion of God…if they did…they wouldn’t have left Cole to rot away on a pile of their mailers. What is worse, multiple pieces of mail from these “ministries” even arrived after he was executed. How much did they care about Cole? Not enough to even know that the State of Oklahoma had killed him…
Utah Lighthouse Ministries
Target Truth Ministries
World Challenge
Life Lines
Midnight Call Ministries
In Touch Ministries
Harvesttimes Ministries
Bread Ministries
Word of Faith Ministries
The Shepherd’s Chapel
Tony Alamo Ministries
Gospel Tract Ministries
Cornerstone Network
New Life Mission
The World Tomorrow
Lighthouse Trails
Church of God
Jews for Jesus
CJF Ministries
Chick Publications
Midnight Call Ministries
Zion’s Hope Ministries
End Time Ministries
Gospel Tract Society
Philadelphia Church of God
Interconnect Ministries
Prison Literature Evangelism
Tribulation Watch
Pilgrim Tract Society
United Church of God
Trinity Broadcasting Network
Assemblies of Yahweh
Chosen People Ministries
Comforting Heart Ministries
Evangelistic Faith Ministries
Jewish Jewels
American Family Ministries
Perry Stone Ministries
Voice of the Martyrs
Mosaic of Christ
Hebrew Roots
Rock of Ages Ministries
Hope Tract Ministry
The Open Door Ministry
Bible Belt Ministries
Southwest Radio Ministries
Revive Israel
Chosen People Ministries
Bezeugen Ministries