The Destination of Nothing

The Destination of Nothing February 1, 2021

Laura Skinner/Unsplash


Something reminds me of what I’ve missed…


Can the past change the present? Could something be sent to us? Can the present change the past? Could something be sent back? What would happen? Would it change anything? Can anything be changed? We live in a sort of arrogance with regard to these questions. We assume we know and that is all. However, spirituality has never been about knowing. There is more than what was. There is more than what is. Something always leads to nothing. Nothing always leads to something. In the something is everything and nothing.


Where you there? The question is pivotal. We assume that absence is ignorance and ignorance is absence. We assume incorrectly. In order to know a secret of the universe, I decided to travel back in time. I was there when Jesus was crucified. It wasn’t how I knew it. I was there when Jesus was placed in the tomb. It wasn’t how I remembered it. I touched the risen Jesus. It wasn’t how I perceived. Then, I traveled back. The journey made me realize that I believe now far more than I did then. Existence seemed to grow with time…or perhaps it was I that grew with time. The mystery of time might be the greatest salvation. The more of it we have the less we know. The less of it we have the more we know. Time is short. God is not. Time is not God. Only God is God. The further we get from certainty the closer we get to God. Divinity will always be a timeless journey beyond the facts of yesterday.

When I got there…I didn’t know where I’d been. When I got there…I didn’t know where I was. When I got there…I didn’t know where I was going. When I got there…I was just there…the only place I’d ever wanted to go…nothing.


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