The Rape and Death of a Baby: The Grace of a Mom

The Rape and Death of a Baby: The Grace of a Mom January 15, 2015



Adrianna Waller was a beautiful baby. On August 22, 1997, Charles Warner was supposed to be watching her. Instead of protecting and caring for her, Warner proceeded to rape and murder little Adrianna. During the trial, Warner’s own son testified against him. A jury convicted Warner and sentenced him to death. Tonight, January 15, 2015, the people of Oklahoma put Charles Warner to death. Despite the heinous nature of the crime, there was one person who stood adamantly opposed to the execution…the mother of little Adrianna.


Not long ago, Shonda Waller asked the people of Oklahoma to spare the life of Charles Warner in video testimony before the Board of Pardon and Parole. Unsurprisingly, the Board did not listen and proceeded with the execution. Over the last few days, I have watched interviews of Christians anticipating and reacting to multiple executions throughout our nation and declaring, “An eye for an eye and tooth for a tooth…” In her recorded remarks, Shonda Waller said that her faith in Jesus would not allow her to support the execution of Charles Warner and declared, “I don’t hate him. I have forgiven him.” I wish that we had a few more Christians like her.




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