“The Worst Attorneys in Oklahoma”: Anthony Sanchez on Mark Barrett and Randy Coyne

“The Worst Attorneys in Oklahoma”: Anthony Sanchez on Mark Barrett and Randy Coyne September 22, 2023





During our visit on September 7, 2023, Anthony Sanchez asked if I would share the following words if he was executed.  He adapted these words from a previous statement and from multiple audio/videos.  If anyone is curious why Anthony Sanchez declared Mark Barrett and Randy Coyne to be the “…worst attorneys in Oklahoma.” from the execution chamber yesterday, his thoughts below go far to express why.



September 7, 2023



The claims of Mark Barrett and Randy Coyne that they have properly represented me are unbelievable and too outrageous to not be addressed.  If Mark and Randy had tried as hard on my appeals as they have defending themselves from allegations that they have failed to properly represent me, I wouldn’t be nearing execution.  Why couldn’t they just have done their job?


Mark Barrett has claimed that communications were really good between him and I and that he himself communicated on a number of occasions.  Give me a break.  I am in the Oklahoma State Penitentiary on Death Row about to be executed for a crime I did not commit.  All calls are logged by my Department of Correction number and so are all texts on the tablet.  He has only talked to me on the phone 3 times in 7 years…and visited me for the first time in over 6 years in February.


When pushed on these facts, Mark Barrett always pushes his second chair Randy Coyne to speak up.  He can’t do better than Mark because he has done no better than Mark.


For instance, I reached out to Randy last Spring because my father (2022) passed away and I wanted to know about my rights.  Neither Mark nor Randy offered any help or sympathy/empathy.  Randy is always throwing around dates.  So to be exact, I contacted him on 4-15-22.  He did not respond until 4-17-22.  The last time I talked to him was 6-8-23.  The last time he contacted me was 7-10-23.  Randy contacts me a few times over a decade and thinks that we’re friends.  Most disturbingly, Randy sent me really messed up pictures and told me that his favorite shirt was one that had an image of a man being executed on it.  Obviously, I didn’t find it amusing at all.


These are a few of the rare times that Mark Barrett or Randy Coyne ever contacted me.  The conversations were never helpful and always surrounded by foolishness.


Prior to Mark Barrett and Randy Coyne visiting me on 2-1-23, I received a call from them.  During our conversation, I asked them to help make a smooth transition to new pro bono attorneys who had agreed to represent me.  They agreed.  Instead of working on a transition, they filed for more money from the courts for clemency.  It was a bait and switch.


When they arrived on 2-1, I asked them why they were still my attorneys.  I further asked, why they were keeping all of my evidence away from the investigator we hired to investigate my case.  Even further I asked, why they refused to consult with the pro bono lawyers.  As usual, they had no answers.  Our time was useless because I felt lied to.  I felt like I had no choice but to do what they told me to do…or I wouldn’t be able to proceed with my next appeal.  Mark has traumatized me repeatedly.


I’ve long felt that Mark Barrett had to be working for the State.  In fact, Mark and Randy’s work has helped the State 100% and me 0%.


I have benefitted from multiple pauses in executions.  Mark Barrett and Randy Coyne didn’t have anything to do with it.  If I had followed their advice, I’d already been dead.


Instead of being honest, Mark Barrett tries to use the pandemic as an excuse for his behavior…or that he is a senior citizen.  The pandemic didn’t stop him from going on lavish vacations and bragging about them to guys down here.  Maybe Mark is right on one level, he is up in age and should have to go through a comprehensive cognitive evaluation to continue representing any clients.


Mark Barrett threatened any lawyers who tried to help me.  He basically has done his best to seal my fate.


Mark Barrett has repeatedly lied or exaggerated his work on capital cases.  With regard to clemency or exonerations, he has always taken the glory for the work of others.


Mark Barrett has never allowed me to assist in my own defense.  I have yet to see a complete trial transcript or be able to engage with my evidence.  He slammed the door on me every time I tried to get anything.


I first tried to fire Mark Barrett and Randy Coyne in early 2011.  I spoke with both Randy Bauman and Susan Otto at the public defender’s office and both said, “If you can’t afford to hire an attorney…you can’t afford to fire one.”


Neither Mark Barrett nor Randy Coyne have done any investigation around my case at all (since not getting funding around 2010).  They didn’t even check my alibis.  After outside groups raised the money to hire a private investigator, they wouldn’t even give him access to the evidence.  They just want me to hurry up and get executed.


My relationship with these guys has been gut-wrenching.  Mark Barrett and Randy Coyne have treated me with such unbelievable disrespect.  I’m not rich.  I’m not white.  They made sure that I remembered that.  My life has been ruled by a dictatorship of two, Mark and Randy.  This whole thing is full of oppression…like most dictatorships.  I’ve just been a source of revenue for these guys.


Mark Barrett and Randy Coyne must be held accountable.  They have repeatedly acted or failed to act with no conversation with me whatsoever.  They abandoned me plain and simple.  I remain convinced it’s because I’m poor and brown.



Anthony Sanchez

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