Tonight, We Were Dining with God.

Tonight, We Were Dining with God. January 26, 2016



Emily and I don’t have much money. Truthfully, the vegetables and rice were the best we could do tonight. We were tired. It didn’t matter. The kids were hungry. The words “money” and “tired” are not a part of their vocabulary. By the time everyone got to their plate, we were even more exhausted. In the midst of the chaos, we just wanted everyone to eat and go to bed. Then, something magical happened.


I looked up and the symphony commenced. Emulating the creator of us all, Phillip playfully created bubbles in his drink. Just like the divine whispers that often sneak up on us, Jeff told us that he loves us. Much like the many languages of the divine, Quinley kept pulling new words out of his head. In his silence, Lucas reminded us of God’s silence. In her desire to get out of her chair, Madeleine reminded us that God can’t be restrained. Ultimately, the scales fell from our eyes and the realization hit.


Tonight, we were dining with God.



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