August 13, 2012

Be there or be a rectangle with two adjacent sides of equal length. Read more

August 12, 2012

I used my piece in the Real Clear Politics Sunday afternoon update to try to get at Mitt Romney’s mind by way of his vice presidential pick, Paul Ryan. There’s a lot there that is of only passing interest to religious readers, and a bit that is very relevant. To wit: On the related subject of demography, consider these four facts: a) Romney carried Catholic voters in most GOP primaries; b) a recent Pew poll showed Catholic bishops have managed... Read more

August 12, 2012

As a level-headed narcissistic American I believe in only one great conspiracy theory: the vast and all-encompassing conspiracy to piss me off. And some days, I am in on that conspiracy. Read more

August 11, 2012

This New Republic take wins the prize for stupidest piece — so far! — on Mitt Romney’s choice of Paul Ryan the GOP nominee for vice president. That much was obvious from the title, but I had to read the whole absurdist article, just to make sure a weekend editor hadn’t wildly misrepresented Noam Scheiber’s cockamamie point. (Sure, there are more insults than usual in the above. But really, one can only read so many so much of his invective-laced... Read more

August 11, 2012

“Bellingham Bell[e]s, is that a girls team?” asked a friend in town for the weekend. Read more

August 10, 2012

The Walla Walla Sweets beat the Bellingham Bells for the last two games of the regular season and your diarist is still a little sore about it. To play you out for the week, here is a song to highlight that sprawling metropolis’s second largest legitimate industry. Read more

August 10, 2012

Not sure whether to file this one under a bucking-the-trend story or slightly ahead of the curve. Food carts are everywhere these days. Three taco trucks have even found their way to Lynden this summer. Also ever-present are stories about regulators harassing food carts at the behest of local restaurants that don’t want the leaner competition. Last night, as I was about to cross the street to go to the Bellinham Bells game, I saw this: Taco Time, for folks... Read more

August 10, 2012

Coming back from the Bellingham Bells game last night, I stopped at the usual cheap gas store on the Hannegan and the East Indian guy behind the counter again commented that I look like “that guy.” You know, the one from the movies. “Zach Galifianakis,” I said, again. “Yeah, the guy from Due Date,” he said. “Very funny.” Normally, that’s where this Syssiphean exchange ends but last night he threw a curve ball by asking, “Do you do comedy too?”... Read more

August 9, 2012

All you kids with your hip hop music and your social media, I tell you… The powers that be at Patheos strongly encouraged me to expand this diary’s social media presence. I held out until fellow bearded ginger Catholic and Washingtonian Mark Shea pointed me to a service he uses to update both Facebook and Twitter without lifting a finger. It’s called Deliver It (website here) and I highly recommend this service for those folks who are really into the... Read more

August 9, 2012

Yes, that is a cornfield over the back fence. Some Sunday night this month, a friend is going to put his portable but massive movie screen with projector in place and we’re going to watch Children of the Corn in front of all those ears. Pretty sure Stephen King would approve. Read more

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