July 23, 2012

This is the local politician I got drafted into banner-carrying for in the parade Saturday: His name is Vincent “Vince” Buys, a Republican member of the Washington State House from the 42nd district. And yes, he happens to be my landlord. But that doesn’t mean he automatically gets my endorsement. I never donate money to politicians and endorsements are rare. In fact, for some time, your humble diarist seriously considered running against him. (more…) Read more

July 23, 2012

Some people look at the world as it is and ask, Why? (more…) Read more

July 23, 2012

I forgot to play you out for the week on Friday, folks. To make up for that, here’s a tune for Monday morning that never fails to bring a smile to my face: “The Anglo-Saxons” by the Mountain Goats. Favorite line: “A subliterate bunch of guys / though some sources say otherwise.” Read more

July 22, 2012

Due to an embarrassing foot injury, the plan for Saturday had been to take it easy. Instead, I found myself marching for miles, holding up one end of a candidate’s banner in the Birch Bay parade. The joke after was that I could now add “mediocre banner carrier” to my resume, and that was being generous. I did a poor job matching the stride of my fellow banner carrier and an even poorer job of centering us. You’re supposed to... Read more

July 22, 2012

How could a just and loving God deprive me of an all-expenses-paid vacation to Hawaii? Read more

July 21, 2012

The Belgian style golden ale Ovila is delicious. It could also maim you. The seal over the cork tells drinkers, “WARNING: CONTENTS UNDER HIGH PRESSURE. PLEASE OPEN WITH CARE.” And let me advise you here and now to heed this warning, folks. Tonight, I opened a bottle of the stuff and thought a gunshot had gone off. The cork hit the ceiling so hard it left a mark. I’m surprised it didn’t leave a hole. If you want to taste... Read more

July 20, 2012

Did anybody else read this anti-summer break piece by Peter Orszag and feel the urge to give the author a tremendous wedgie? The question is posed semi-seriously because I wonder if I’m reading this piece too much through the lens of someone who followed Orszag’s shaping of and advocacy for Obamacare and found it contemptible. Recall that Orszag was director of President Obama’s Office of Management and Budget who touted the long-term effects of the government taking control of even... Read more

July 19, 2012

Ask and ye shall receive. From I Can Has Cheezburger, behold an anti-Obama lolcat: Read more

July 18, 2012

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July 18, 2012

Tonight I am going to a book reading/signing in Bellingham by Kaya Oakes, author most recently of Radical Reinvention: An Unlikely Return to the Catholic Church. This diary discussed the book Sunday in part to make things a little easier in case a review is in the offing, which is likely. Being a reviewer is weird because of what it demands of you. You at least implicitly promise to give your honest, no-holds-barred opinion of the book to help give... Read more

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