Because I’m lonely…

Because I’m lonely… January 24, 2016

For a long time, I’ve wanted some writing friends, and I’ve pondered the idea of joining a writer’s group. But let’s be real — even though I am progressive, I still get the occasional raised eyebrow over my faith. Normally, that’s totally cool. I don’t really care. I’m a Jesus freak, and I fly my freak flag proudly.

But not when it comes to the craft.

Right? Writing is hard enough. I tell myself I suck all on my own — I don’t need to have to enter into a debate with someone about my beliefs when I’m trying to hone my skill.

So that’s why I finally created DoveWriters.

I’m super excited about it. I hope you are, too!

It’s a place where Christian creatives can come together and write, safe from all the raised eyebrows of the world. We can struggle with our writing while we use it to work out our faith. We can curse. We can scream and yell (at the page). And we can safely uplift, honestly critique with love, and practice our craft.

We can write and not have to defend the ideas we’re writing about. Until, that is, they’re ready to be released to the world. But while they’re being birthed, let’s incubate them, nurture them, feed them the mother’s milk of creative safety until they’re ready to toddle out into the world alone.

Then, they can speak for themselves.

If you’ve ever wanted to be part of a writer’s community — if you know you have a book in you — if you just need someone to read your stuff and give you feedback, DoveWriters is for you.

Join me!

I’ll be participating, too! I’ll provide writers prompts, and I’ll give you feedback on your stuff, and some of you may even be selected to submit a piece to Jerseygirl, Jesus as a guest blog post!

Let’s write. Together!



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