Cray-Cray Is As Cray-Cray Blogs On The Inter-Webs: A Christian Response (Jersey-style) to Jennifer Mayers

Cray-Cray Is As Cray-Cray Blogs On The Inter-Webs: A Christian Response (Jersey-style) to Jennifer Mayers July 2, 2016

Honestly? I still haven’t decided.

But here’s what I do know: I won’t be silent on this one, and I’m asking you to not be silent, too. I’m going to tell you how in a minute, so stick with me.

But first, a few words for Jennifer:


Jennifer, you’re crazy. But Jesus loves even you. You claim your site is not satire, and that’s pretty terrifying, because you are 100% wrong on so many things, including your ideas on bi-racial relationships. Hey, did you know that Jesus was “mixed blood”, as you so eloquently stated? (Now that part there, after the comma, that IS satire. Or at least it’s sarcasm). Yep — back in his ancestry, he had people of different races — even prostitutes! — in his bloodline. Pretty cool, heh?

But even if your site is satire, it’s still inexcusable. Hate is hate, and you’re an instigator. 

I feel sorry for you, who feels the only way you can find self-worth is in your twisted sense of “elegance” and your vapid and nonsensical misunderstanding of scripture. You want the world to think you’re rich, or better than the rest of us, or something like that, but really, you’re just sad. I’m sad for you, because if this is all you have to offer the world of yourself, your soul must be a very empty, lonely place to live. 

But as a white American Christian woman, I’m standing up to say I don’t think your site is funny, nor is it correct, nor is it Christian. If your children actually do exist, I worry for them, as you stated that your husband is physically abusive in front of your children. I do hope your children get the help they need. 

I also pray that you’ll come to understand the real Jesus, and what he really asks of you, which is light years away from where you’re going on this site.  I’ll pray for you. 


Now, as for the rest of us, I have a request.


It seems Not So Elegant Jennifer really gets off on page views. So let’s show her that those of us who stand for peace and unity are more powerful than her hate. Let’s share this post like crazy, and topple her page views.


Now I’ll be honest in the interest of full disclosure. I don’t get paid for having my blog on PATHEOS unless it hits something like 12k views. After that, I do receive a small amount. But I’m not doing this for the money — not this. So if this particular post goes viral and gets more shares than her ugly posts do, I’ll make a donation to the ACLU in honor of Jennifer.


It’ll be fun.


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