Lenten Reflection #14: Jesus Jokes

Lenten Reflection #14: Jesus Jokes April 1, 2014

Lenten Reflection #14: Jesus Jokes

Lenten Reflection #14: Jesus Jokes

What father among you, if his son asks for a fish, will give him a snake instead of a fish? Or if he asks for an egg, will give him a scorpion?” (Luke 11:11–12, HCSB)  

Was this verse a form of a prank? Was it a form of humor that Jesus used when He spoke? I don’t know if Jesus would have played an April Fool’s Day joke on his disciples. However, I suspect that Jesus did joke with his audience. One time He talked about prayer and He joked around about what father would actually play a joke on their son. While the statement sounds mean today, I think Jesus was joking around with his audience. I would not play an April Fool’s joke on my children in this way – to hand out snakes and scorpions instead of fish and eggs. But I think we can all appreciate the joke.

We might play April Fool’s Day pranks on one another. However, God won’t do that to you in your prayer life. God doesn’t joke around with your prayer life. So go ahead and keep asking Him what you need until you get an answer.

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