Guardians of the Galaxy (2014)

Guardians of the Galaxy (2014) August 12, 2014

Guardians of the Galaxy (2014)

Guardians of the Galaxy (2014)

Guardians of the Galaxy (2014), I have to admit, was a great film. It had a fresh outlook and contained what I would call a Star Wars vibe. The film had a fresh take on the Marvel Cinematic Universe and it did not disappoint. As I watched it on the big screen with a room full of people, I realized that the people watching (along with me) were here to just have fun enjoying a movie. It seems that the people who made this film wanted the audience to have fun watching it. As a result, the film doesn’t take itself too seriously. There are plenty of comic moments, as well as action scenes. Rocket the Raccoon and Groot are the breakaway hit characters of this film, as is the soundtrack from the “Awesome Mix #1” in Star-Lord Peter Quill’s Walkman.

The overriding theme, in my opinion, was summarized by the statement in the film about the team being “losers.” Star-Lord, in an effort to rally his group together, reflects on the team that has assembled and what they have in common. They are all “losers” – they have all lost something.

Peter Quill: I look around and you know what I see? Losers!… But life’s giving us a chance.
Drax the Destroyer: To do what?
Peter Quill: Something good, something bad… a bit of both.

They are a bunch of misfits, but now they can use that past for good. As Louis Sullivan of stated in his review of this film:

Faced with the possible extinction of the galaxy, these five put their greed and vengeance aside and band together to stand for the greater good. In doing so, these average and selfish creatures, these outsiders that nobody paid attention to otherwise — they become something bigger than that. They become the heroes that they always had the power to be.

So teamwork becomes an important theme in this movie. The teamwork crescendos near the end of the film when Groot uses his body to protect the team and exclaims: “We are Groot.” After that scene, the group works together to defeat the enemy. The Guardians have to work together in order to accomplish their goals. The teamwork in this movie reveals a Biblical truth:

And if someone overpowers one person, two can resist him. A cord of three strands is not easily broken.” (Ecclesiastes 4:12, HCSB)

Guardians working together as a team to save the galaxy. What a great example for Terrans (as the movie calls the people of Earth). What a great example for the church.


  1. Ecclesiastes 4:12 describes the power of teamwork. Have you worked as a team with other people? How was the experience?
  2. There can be tension in a team that works together. How have you dealt with the tension? How can tension make the team work better?
  3. What are the advantages of working as a team?

#GOTG, #WeAreGroot, #Star-Lord

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